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Olivia had practically blacked out for the majority of the album - her head lightheaded with an overwhelming amount of emotions. She knew that some songs were about her but she hadn't been expecting the whole album to be about her (or she guesses more about Alex's feelings towards her).

It was a lot of information and news to process and she already was struggling to think.

She could feel Alex watching her from the other table, trying to gauge her reaction but she couldn't bring herself to look at him. It didn't help that she had Liam seething next to her, tensing his hand against hers every time there was something in one of the songs that he didn't like.

It was all too much and she was finding it harder to breathe.

Thankfully, the album was finished and as soon as it had, the lights coming back on and people beginning to clap - she slipped out. Not even telling Liam that she was going as she rushed outside. She didn't want to gain attention by leaving earlier or ruin the mood by storming off, so she patiently waited until she could leave without anyone noticing.

The cold air was refreshing and she instantly felt a lot better - after hearing the album and having Alex's and Liams eyes on her she found it get increasingly hot and the large room seemed to get smaller.

She took a deep breath and sighed, allowing herself to close her eyes as she felt her heart rate slow down. It was just a lot to process all at once and she couldn't quite put her thoughts into one clear conclusion.

Alex had been worried about her since he saw as she briskly left after the final song - he was feeling extremely guilty and felt bad for inviting her, knowing what the songs were about. He saw that Liam only watched her leave, as he sat in confusion, and Alex was about to chase after her when Miles came over.

Miles put a hand on his shoulder as he suggested, "Maybe it'd be best if you stay here? I'll go and check on her."

Alex's face dropped, "Why can't I go?" He desperately wanted to go and see if she was okay and, if she wasn't, then he wanted to be the one to make her feel better. He also wanted to apologise if he was the one who had upset her (which he had a sinking feeling he was).

He didn't want her to be angry at him and he definitely didn't want her to be upset because of him.

"Because, no offence, but you're the reason she's probably upset." Miles explained and Alex felt his heart drop - his intention hadn't been to hurt her.

"Which is exactly why I should go and apologise." Alex replied.

"I think that seeing you might just overwhelm her right now, I promise I'll make sure she's okay and I'll let her know that you didn't mean to upset her."

Alex sighed, "Okay, fine. Just let me know how she is." He agreed in defeat.


She heard the door open and saw Miles peek out with a smile before jointing her. "Want a cigarette?" Miles offered as he put one between his lips. She smiled because she could tell what he was doing - he was getting her to talk so she would take her mind off the whole situation.

Olivia shook her, "I quit ages ago, not that I smoked that much in the first place." She told him. Miles nodded and lit his own, breathing the smoke into the night as it got taken away by the wind.

"Alex was going to come but I thought that you might prefer it if he didn't." He mentioned and he was right. She wasn't sure what she would say if it was Alex - or Liam for the matter. She needed to relax not panic. So she gratefully nodded.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now