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As predicted, Olivia missed the Arctic Monkeys 'and co.' (Katie and Breana) being around. Being at Miles' was the most fun that she'd had in a while - there was something so intimate about a bunch of friends gathered in a house, she preferred it to the times that they had been to various clubs. After that day they truly felt like friends - not just people you pass in the street and say hi to or would talk to briefly at events. That just made it worse when they left.

They weren't going to be gone for long. (2 and a half months, roughly) but somehow it felt longer.

They were going to Manchester first and Olivia went to Alex's house to help him pack. It was their first time hanging out just the two of them - it had always been as a group before then. So, whilst she knew it was just as friends - and because she offered to help out when he mentioned it in a text, she still overthought the situation. She changed outfits 5 times before putting back on the first one and setting off.

She arrived at his house and immediately any anxiety she had previously had, faded - it was just so easy to be around him (something she never thought she'd say).

"I was half expecting a suitcase just for your sunglasses." She joked as he led her in to his bedroom, which she was going to make a joke about but didn't. It wasn't because she didn't think that he'd find it funny (she could already picture him laughing at it) but because their relationship didn't need any more confusing sexual tension added, which the joke would've done. On his bed was an empty suitcase.

"That one's already packed." He replied, referring to the sunglasses joke, with a smirk bringing Olivia back to reality - she had gotten slightly carried away in her admiring of his bedroom and the whole 'joke' situation, not a good idea to think about sex with someone attractive, especially when they're right in front of you reminding you of how attractive they are.

"Of course it is, I wouldn't expect anything less. I bet your have separate sunglasses for am and pm. Aviators at night and wayfarer's during the day."

Olivia playfully rolled her eyes before seeing what he was planning to take so far - there was a small pile of clothes placed next to the suitcase. She flicked through with an approving nod. "Okay so jeans and T-shirts so far. That's a good start."

"You have full reign of my wardrobe. I don't have a fucking clue about clothes." He nodded towards the closet and Olivia jumped up from the bed excitedly and immediately began flicking through the hangers - she always loved looking through peoples clothes, it tells you a lot about a person. Alex smiled at the pure joy on her face.

He laid down on his made bed, putting his hands behind his head as he watched Olivia look through his clothes occasionally taking something out and placing it on the bed.

"You don't give yourself enough credit. You know how to dress, I don't think you've ever worn something that I thought was ugly. It's more about confidence. If you act like you look good then it doesn't matter what your actually wearing."

"I just wear the same thing everyday." He shrugged.

"Yeah but it looks good on you." She told him.

She could feel his eyes on her and she turned around to see him smirking at her smugly. She rolled her eyes, "Stop it.", she complained and when he didn't, he made an effort to turn his head but he still had the smug expression on his face as he smiled to himself, she groaned throwing a leather jacket at him - which he managed to catch, "Your so annoying. Now pack that."

"I didn't even say anything.", he argued, she sent him a playful glare, he got up from the bed and took the coat off the hanger to pack.

Whilst he folded the clothes and put them in to the case he heard Olivia gag. "Why do you have this? It's awful!" She said in disgust holding up a blue Lacoste t-shirt picking it like it was contagious or mouldy.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now