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It was obvious that there had been a drastic change in Alex. Mainly the fact that he actually now entertained the women who would come up to him in clubs/bars or during concerts. Ever since meeting Olivia he had ignored anyone looking in his direction - too focused on the girl next to him. However, ever since they had left London he was constantly flirting with different women.

This just further Katie and Breana's suspicions that something had haplessness between the two of them that night, though they both continued to deny it. Otherwise there was no real cause for the change in his behaviour.

He knew that it wasn't the smartest way to get over Olivia but it was the only way that he knew how. He realised that he had been too preoccupied with his feelings for Olivia that he hadn't even noticed how many girls would try to catch his line of sight - especially at concerts - by giving him flirtatious smiles.

He was currently talking to a girl name Lydia (at least that's what he thinks she said, it could've been Linda or Lara). Physically she looked like Olivia - dark brown hair and slim figure - but she didn't have the same charm. There is a difference between pretty and mesmerising, Lydia was pretty. She didn't have the sparkle in her eye or the hypnotic smile that Olivia possessed.

Alex found himself accidentally comparing her to Olivia as she spoke, hating the fact that he did so. It was like it was impossible for him to move on from her, he was addicted to her and she was completely unaware.

"I love your music." She said to him as stood close, her hand resting on his arm and all he could think was how it would feel much better if it was Olivia. Even her compliment didn't effect the same way that I would coming from Olivia.

"Yeah thanks." He said trying to block Olivia from his mind.

It was very strange for them all to witness, Alex was at the bar talking to a girl he had just met, since they were all used to the unofficial couple (which they referred to them as behind their backs). They all watched as she sipped her drink with bedroom eyes and Alex would occasionally laugh at something she said though it was clear it wasn't very genius as his face fell shortly after.

Alex had just came back to their table after talking to a tall brunette, who looked strikingly similar to Olivia, and noticed everyone staring at him - their previous conversation coming to halt upon his arrival. Katie and Breana looked upset, Jamie looked confused, Matt looked concerned and Nick was looking at everyone else with no idea what was going on.

"What's the problem now?" He asked them with an annoyed eye roll as he slid into his seat. He already knew what they were going to say and he thought it was ridiculous. He never explicitly told them that he ever had any interest in dating Olivia ; the fact that they weren't dating meant that he was allowed to do whatever he wanted. He has no loyalty towards her.

Katie just shrugged after awkwardly sipping her drink as she muttered not daring to look at Alex, "I think we all just thought that you were into Olivia."

"Yeah because you wouldn't listen to me. I kept telling you that it was nothing." Alex rolled his eyes. No one said anything and Alex scoffed and finished his bottle of beer. "Your all pissing me off. Just because you all want us to date doesn't mean we're obligated to do so. Why can't you just let us be friends?"

They all awkwardly looked between each other, feeling slightly guilty. What Alex said was true - just because they all thought it would make sense for them to date doesn't mean that they should or even wanted to.

Matt patted Alex on his shoulder giving him a tight lipped sympathetic smile, "Sorry mate. I think we all just got caught up in the idea. We'll drop it." They all nodded in agreement (though Katie looked reluctant to do so).

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now