The Call

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Rain batters the nightlit streets of San Francisco as people walk past hurriedly, oblivious to the hacker standing among them.

I pull my hood up so it fits more snugly against my head to block out the cold, but also to help me avoid detection from any nearby cameras, it's dangerous enough standing out here as if I'm waiting for someone.

My phone buzzes repeatedly in my pocket, I glance down and sigh before taking the call.

"The money is all set up and ready to be transferred as soon as you hack into DedSec. I want all their profiles as well as any extra information you can get on them, I'll pay you ten percent more if you can get me the location of their headquarters."

The voice on the phone is robotic, masked by an app to stay anonymous, which is usually the same for any other client who wants me to put my hacking skills into action for a price, though usually my coded app can trace the whereabouts of the client before I even take the call, this one is odd.

"I'll get it all for you" I curtly respond, using my own voice masking app, as well as bouncing my location to around fifty different locations in case there's any foul play.

"I want it done by tomorrow night." The voice says, before I can respond the line cuts.

Shit, I can't hack DedSec by tomorrow night, can I?

I hate being forced into a corner, especially when I'm the one being told what to do, but I'm in desperate need of the money to keep me and my little sister fed, so with a sigh I put my phone back into my pocket and walk out into the rain.

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