The Rainfall

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By time we finally reach Wrench's place, I'm shivering unctronablly and drenched from the heavy rainfall, I can't feel my limbs and I'm pretty sure my face is bleeding from somewhere.

We head inside and Wrench locks the door behind him, he leads me up some steps above the messy garage and into a bedroom, where a bathroom is connected. It's not the usual home, but it has a bed and running water, so I can't judge.

"Here, you can put this on before you catch hypothermia." Wrench softly says, passing me one of his tees.

I'm too tired to argue, and too emotionally distraught to feel any awkwardness between us. Wrench heads to the bathroom whilst I quickly strip off and put on the top, which luckily covers my ass and a little more.

Wrench comes back into the bedroom wearing just grey sweatpants and his mask, showing off his toned abs and many tattoos. I try not to gawk but realise he's staring at me in the same fascinated way.

"I'll, um, sleep downstairs." He quickly says, heading for the door.

"Do you think my sister is okay? What about the others? Are we safe here?" I rush out, breathing heavy as the series of questions I've been wanting to ask him finally fall out of my mouth.

"Hey, breathe." Wrench says, coming up to me and placing his hand on my shoulder as the other cups my cheek.

I close my eyes and nod, but when I open my eyes I finally fall apart.

A sob breaks loose and my knees give out as I slump to the floor, leaning against the bed as I pull my knees up to my chest and cry.

"I've got you biscuit, it's okay." Wrench murmurs as he kneels on the floor and pulls me onto his lap, stroking my back as I nestle into his chest to hide away from the world.

Shit, how did it get to this? From hating him to now relying on him?

A few minutes pass as I cry enough to make up for the last few years, and I lean back and wipe the stupid beads of water from my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" I begin but Wrench shakes his head.

"Don't ever fucking apologise for being human." He sternly says, and I nod.

"Come on, lets get you in bed." He says, standing up and holding out a hand which I gladly take, before slipping under the covers, inhaling his scent.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He says, but I grab his hand, pulling him towards me as I mumble "Stay."

He stiffens for a moment, as if contemplating, before nodding, and slipping into the bed next to me. It's silent for a few moments as the rain batters agasint the window, and thunder occasionally booms, but Wrench soon breaks the silence as we lay side by side.

"My relationship with my dad isn't too good either."

I turn to look at him, surprised to hear his actual voice and not his robotic one. Its dark so I can't see very well, but I can make out a sharp jawline and a red mark that covers a chunk of his left face.

"Is your dad a narcissistic masochist as well?" I joke, but it comes out weak.

"Yeah, something like that. At least your dad actually wants to talk to you though." He replies in the same lighthearted tone.

"Ah, there's a positive to everything." I smile, which earns a chuckle from Wrench.

"I'm glad you're not like him." Wrench mumbles, turning to look at me.

I finally see that he has gorgeous blue eyes, and my breath hitches. His hand comes up and brushes a stray hair away from my face and my lips part, his mouth moves closer to mine and I make a split second decision.

I close the space between us, sealing our lips together in a passionate kiss. His hand brings my face closer and I melt into his embrace, my body arching towards him.

We makeout for a few minutes, but then my mind wanders to the reason I'm here in the first place.

Can I even trust him?

My mind gets the better of me and I quickly move away, almost falling out of the bed as I stare at him.

"I'm sorry, I just-" I begin, but Wrench just gets up and leaves without saying a word.

I need to check on my sister, so I call Sitara. She picks up on the first ring.

"Is my sister okay?" I ask

"Yeah, she's okay, I am too thanks for asking. We're at my house and she's sleeping in my bed safe and sound." Sitara replies, and I feel some of the tension leave my body.

"Thank you for looking after her, I'm sure Wrench has already told you everything." I say, biting my lip nervously.

"Yeah, look I've got to go, I'll call you in the morning." She says, hanging up before I can respond.

I finally lay down, pulling the duvet up to my head and closing my eyes, listening to the rain as I wonder how my life went to shit.

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