The Meeting

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I finally make my way to some indie game shop, but when I look inside it's completely dark.

My watchful eyes scan either side of the street, the sunrise still a couple of hours away, luckily San Francisco never completely sleeps.

I pull out my phone from my back pocket, but suddenly another message from the anonymous number appears, telling me to go down the alleyway next to me.

I nervously bite my lip, calculating the odds of being murdered for this stupid job. I don't like the fact that the client knows exactly where I am, I should be the lion watching the prey, not the other way around.

I carefully walk down the alleyway, scanning every shadow as I reach into my inside pocket...and curse myself for not bringing my stun gun.

Suddenly a figure appears from the corner, I stop and tense up, my body screams at me to run but I refuse to back down, especially not to some hipster wannabe in glasses.

"Who are you?" I call out, when a robotic voice says from behind me "She's smaller than I expected."

I swivel around faster than I anticipate, almost losing my balance as I come face to face with a man dressed in ripped jeans and a leather vest, his black hoodie is up and he wears some sort of studded punk rock mask, presumably to hide his identity. Smart.

"Shit!" My brain finally catches up after I finish analysing the dude, and I take a few steps back.

"Yeah, I'd say you're in pretty deep shit." The man with glasses coolly says from behind me.

I turn my head as he frowns at me, and I try to figure out where I've seen him before.

"You know who we are, right?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

I think, and it hits me. These are some of the members of DedSec, the group I hacked not 3 hours ago. Marcus Holloway and Wrench.

"Fuck." I mumble, my eyes widening as I try to figure out how to escape this situation.

"She's definitely gonna try to run man" Wrench says to Marcus in a laughing tone, Marcus nods over my shoulder at him.

I tense up, ready to fight them to get out of here, and Marcus must notice because he holds his hands up in a surrender.

"Well shit on my sandwich, the biscuit is gonna try and fight her way out." Wrench laughs, throwing his hands up as he chuckles.

I clench my fists, ready to at least and punch one of them. My gaze drifts to Wrench and he stops laughing.

"Me? You really want to hit poor me?" He says in a mocking voice.

I go to lunge for him but Marcus suddenly grabs me, holding me back since he's much more powerful than I am.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I shout, trying to escape his grasp.

"Damn it woman we just want to talk!" He struggles as I resist.

Wrench just stands there with his arms crossed watching.

"Talk then!" I shout, finally breaking Marcus' grip and throwing myself away towards the wall.

I pant against it as Marcus holds an accusing finger up to me, "Don't you dare run."

I nod slowly, eyes darting between him and Wrench.

"We think you could be of use to us. And by us I mean DedSec." Marcus says, as I stay quiet he continues, "I don't know why or how you hacked us, but you did. And we know you stole some very important information."

I tense up as the truth is officially out in the open, and panic seizes me. So I do what any other panicked criminal would do.

I put on a villainous smile and cross my arms, feigning confidence I definitely don't feel.

"Sorry, I don't know what you're on about."

Marcus pinches his nose as Wrench sighs, and I know I'm not getting away with this act.

"Okay, so I might know a little." I admit sheepishly, my smile rapidly disappearing as they both look at me.

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