The Message

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I trudge my way up the stairs to my apartment for the second time that night, looking over my shoulder at every shadow as I unlock the door and slip inside.

I smile at seeing my little sister still on the couch, now laying down with her mouth open as she lets out little snores. I put my bag down and carefully tip toe to her bedroom, grabbing her duvet and gently placing it on top of her. I lean down and tuck her hair out of her face as I plant a kiss on her forehead, whispering "Sleep tight" as I make my way to the window, my eyes dart around the street as I try to reassure myself that we're safe, but a niggling feeling tells me otherwise.

Heading into my room, I kick off my boots and fall onto the bed, pulling my phone out of my pocket as I message the client.

I've got the information and can deliver it tomorrow.

Within seconds I get a reply. An address to meet them.

I sigh and feel for the USB in my pocket, before I can even undress my eyes close as I fall into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up to a buzzing next to my head, I stifle a groan and reach for my phone, but sit up when I realise only an couple of hours have passed, since it's now 4 AM.

There's an anonymous message;

Bring the information within the hour. It's urgent.

I frown at my phone, sensing something is off, but at the same time I'll be glad to get rid of this USB and just get paid, Lord knows I need the money.

Still in the same clothes, I slip into my boots and grab my leather jacket. When I head into the living room I see my sister has retreated into her own bedroom, her door is open a crack and I peek to see her buried under the duvet like a little hedgehog. I smile and quickly write a note, as I once again sneak out.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of sick of sneaking in and out of this fucking apartment, hopefully soon I'll have enough money for me and my sister to get out of here and actually be able to live rather than survive.

I take a quick look back at the address;

Gary's Games and Glory.

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