The Sick Sister

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I arrive home in record time, upon opening the front door I'm greeted by the sounds my my little sister gagging in the bathroom.

I quickly rush into the bathroom, crouching down as I hold her hair back and rub her back in soothing circles as the vomits into the toilet bowl, tears stream down her face as she sobs.

"Ssshhh, it's okay, I'm here, you're going to be alright." I coo, as she kneels on the bathroom floor.

A few minutes pass and she doesn't seem to be sick anymore, I gather all my strength and gently pick her up, carrying her to her bed where I tuck her under the covers.

"I guess I won't be making lasagne again." I silently murmur.

My sister shakes her head, "It wasn't the food, I've just been stressed and I guess it caught up to me."

I frown at her words, replaying them over and over in my head.

"I've just been stressed"

Am I making my sister sick? Is this what all my efforts lead up to? Am I terrible sister? Oh my God, I'm such a fucking-

"It's not your fault." My sister gently reassures me, putting her smaller hand on top of mine.

"I love you so much." I say to her, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I love you too." She replies, looking a little flushed from the excessive vomiting.

"Let me make you some toast and get you a glass of water, that's what mom used to do, right?" I say with a watery smile. She nods so I get up and head to the kitchen, placing a piece of bread in the toaster.

I lean against the counter as I wait, taking deep breaths so I can keep control of myself.

My phone buzzes and I receive a text from a number I'm surprised to see.

Wrench: Hey Biscuit, you rushed off pretty quick and I didn't have a chance to ask if you needed anything.

I'm shocked by his message. For the last few years I've had nobody to lean against, it's always been me and my sister against the world, with nobody to look out for me, to check in, hell I haven't even been out without my sister accompanying me.

I smile despite the circumstances and reply:

Me: Sorry, it's just my sister has a phobia of being sick. I think I've got everything I need.

Wrench: Let me know if you need anything. How is Biscuit Junior holding up?

Me: She's stopped being sick and is tucked up in bed, I think she'll be okay. Thank you once again, it means a lot.

Wrench: Of course, I really do mean it, if you need anything I'm here.

I blush at his message, knowing it's innocent, but somehow it feels more intimate, as if he really cares.

But of course he doesn't, he's just doing it for the sake of DedSec, right?

I shake my head, needing to change the subject.

Me: How's tracing the USB going?

Wrench: Honestly, we're all still at the beach getting drunk. Wish u were here!

Me: Haha okay, I'll take that as my cue to go now.

I hesitate, then add

Me: Be safe.

Wrench: I bet you're a hilarious drunk, or super aggressive, like a honey badger. Also, I will, well I'll try to, be safe too Biscuit.

With that, the toast pops up, so I quickly put on some butter and grab a glass of water before heading back to my sisters room, feeling strangely reassured.

When I step through the door, she's passed out asleep, so I leave the toast and water on her bedside table and curl up next to her, stroking her hair as she cuddles into me.

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