The Arrangement

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I hesitantly stand outside the apartment, quickly hacking into the security feed of the complex to see if any guards are waiting to grab me, plus my anxious ass can't stop procrastinating.

Once I see everything's all clear, I knock on the door, looking over my shoulder a final time as my dad opens the door, dressed in a suit as usual.

I already want to punch his stupid smile, but I also want to run far away in the opposite direction.

"Hello" I say, forcing my chin up to meet his eyes.

"Come in, how have you been?" He asks, stepping to the side so I can go in. I look around and see nice furnishings, all expensive looking topped with a gorgeous view of the city beyond.

"I swear, if this is a trap" I say to him over my shoulder.

"It's not. I just wanted to see you again." He insists, closing the door.

I take a heavy inhale, before turning to face him and get this out of the way. Crossing my arms I wait for him to talk.

"Can I get you a drink?" He asks, gesturing at his mini bar.

"Cut the shit. Why am I here?" I say raising my eyebrows as I stare at him, trying to convey all my hatred.

"Okay, fine," he sighs, running a hand down his face, "We're both in a sticky predicament, but we can also help each other."

I scoff, rolling my eyes as I reply "Help? Is that what you call abandoning me and my sister for all these years? Or was it helping when you forced me to leave in the first place? Hmm, maybe I could call it help when you kidnapped me?!" My voice gets louder until it cracks.

"So we haven't always seen eye to eye, and that's fine. But DedSec is an issue I need gone, and I know you need money otherwise you would never have taken the job in the first place." He cunningly says with a smirk.

I frown as I try to think about what he's implying.

"You help me take down DedSec, and I'll pay you more money than you could earn from a year's worth of jobs. Hell, it'll be more than you'll know what to do with. Don't you want to see your sister finally get the things she deserves?" He softly asks me, sitting down on the couch as I follow.

I think it over, chewing my nail as I try to analyse if this is a trap, but his body language shows me he really is telling the truth.

I could screw over DedSec, letting my dad have them as I run with the money, Lord knows I've been waiting for an opportunity like this.

But then again, they've helped me so much, for once I feel like I belong to something. Do I really want to mess that up when I know I can just keep working to keep me and my sister afloat.

"Why settle for the lowest of the low?" My dad chimes in, and for once I don't disagree with him.

"If this goes south and I find out it's your fault, I swear on my mother I'll hunt you down and make you pay for everything you've ever done to me." I threaten, not breaking eye contact as I stand up and hold out my hand.

"I know you would, that's why I'm asking you. Because I know what your loyalty is like." He responds, and it kind of stings as the truth hits me.

He shakes my hand. "I can give you inside information but it's up to you to do what you're going to do to get them arrested." I say, and his grin falls a little which makes me wonder what he's really planning, but before I can look into it further he pulls me in for a tight hug, making me tense up as he squeezes me.

"I know the lengths you'd go to protect the ones you love the most daughter, but do not underestimate the things I'd do to save myself." He mumbles in my ear before letting me go.

My phone buzzes as I recieve a text from Wrench saying that we should all meet at the hackerspace to form a plan, and my heart squeezes.

"I've got to go." I murmur, letting myself out of the door as I rush down the stairs. Before I leave the building, I lean against the wall and pinch my nose, questioning if I'm doing the right thing.

I'm not. Not really. But I've got to sacrifice whatever I need to for my sister to have better.

I shoot a quick reply to Wrench telling him I'm on my way.

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