The Capture

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I stand outside the City Hall, dressed in black jeans and a fancy top, combined with my leather jacket and boots.

Yeah, not exactly 'dressed up' but I'm not planning on being seen by too many people.

Wrench and Marcus stand on either side of me as we stare up the steps leading to the City Hall.

"Can't we just get a drone in there?" I ask, looking to Wrench for an answer.

"Weeellll..." He begins, but Marcus interrupts him. "No, we've gotta go inside to take a look, we might be able to find some physical dirt on him."

I sigh, nodding and being the first to walk up the stone steps. I open the door to see a room full of people, dressed casual but still posh.

Ugh, rich people.

I look around as the crowd chatters away, Wrench and Marcus on my tail as I find a seat in the corner of the room. Wrench stands behind me as I sit, and I try not to think about how he's so close I can feel his warmth.

And I definitely don't think about how we could totally switch things up and he can have my seat, and I'd take his lap.


Suddenly the room bursts into applause as my dad takes the stage at the front of the room, dressed in a suit as usual, that fake grin makes me grit my teeth. I feel a warm hand on my shoulder and turn to see it's Wrench, calming me down.

I nod a thanks and turn back to the front, listening to my dad's speech about making San Francisco better with Blume. Blah, blah, blah.

Meanwhile, Marcus is on his phone, hacking away whilst Wrench sends a live feed to Josh who's hacking everyone's profiles who's here, to see if any are backing my dad up.

"Amd for my final point," my dad says, his eyes drifting around the room as Marcus and Wrench begin to leave, "I just wanted announce that with the help of a computer specialist, I have managed to put an end to the infamous hacker group known as DedSec."

My dad's eyes meet mine as I feel my whole body freeze. I stare and stare, not believing what I just heard. Water rushes through my ears, I can't hear anything, my vision blurs, and I'm sure this is going to be the worst panic attack I've ever had.

"Motherfucker! Come on Y/N we've gotta go!" Wrench tries to pull me, but whilst the crowd is going wild and cheering,  Blume guards surround us.


Two grab hold of Marcus, who tries to fight them off, whilst three tackle Wrench and handcuff him.

For some reason, I'm the only one not handcuffed, though I'm glad becuase I don't think I could handle it right now. Or ever. Well, maybe in one situation...

"How the fuck did they know we were here?" Wrench asks as we're dragged out of the main room and down a carpeted corridor.

Suddenly my mind catches up. The last month I've been helping my dad, giving him information on DedSec, obviously he took his chance. And betrayed me in the process.

My eyes fill with angry tears, as we're thrown into a room filled with plush chairs and a table, I think it's a lounge area.

Marcus stares at me, his eyes widen and a look of disbelief crosses his face as his shoulders slump. Wrench looks from Marcus to me, I can see his mind putting it all together.

"No..." Wrench almost whispers, his body relaxes, as if his fight has disappeared, "You fucked us over?" He asks after a few moments.

I go to open my mouth in a reply, but the door opens and my dad comes strolling in, adjusting his sleeves as he smirks at Marcus and Wrench, then he turns to me.

"I almost feel sorry for you Y/N, I mean the fact you were so desperate to help your sister that you betrayed your only friends, tut-tut." He says, wagging a finger at me.

"Fuck. You." I retort with gritted teeth, darting forward to tackle him, but a guard holds me back.

"You're right to be angry, really I should be thanking you, it's just a shame that you'll never get what you want." He smirks, he clicks his fingers, "Take them to my office at Blume, we're going to need some real privacy."

We're all dragged out of a side door and thrown into a police van, Marcus and Wrench sit opposite me, handcuffed and somber as I crouch on the floor, shaking from anger and refusing to meet their eyes.

Nobody says a word, not even when the van doors open and we're blindfolded.

Not even when we're lead to an elevator and up and up.

Not even when we're thrown into an office, held an gunpoint and waiting for my dad to arrive so he can tie up loose ends.

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