The Party

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The next night Sitara comes over with only a small amount of reluctance, it was either her or Josh to babysit my sister and keep her safe, so we all decided Sitara was the best option.

"Want me to help you cover your bruises?" Sitara asks whilst Wrench sits with my sister playing a video game, his normal outfit on even though we're going to some fancy club. I hate to admit that he looks hot.

"Please." I reply to Sitara with a smile, beckoning her to the bathroom whilst I get ready.

Just under an hour later, I look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing an outfit that I wouldn't ever pick for myself, combined with some makeup I could never achieve on my own. I've got to give it to Sitara, the girl has some awesome art skills. I've decided to keep my hair down and simple, and I refuse to abandon my favourite boots and leather jacket.

I follow Sitara out of the bathroom, to where my sister turns around from her place on the couch and her jaw literally drops.

"Oh my God," she squeals, getting up and coming over to me, "you look so pretty!"

I laugh at her comment, gently pinching her nose as I reply "Don't I usually?"

She shrugs and my gaze turns to Wrench, who is stood up and staring at me.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, looking down and smoothing my outfit.

"No, yeah, well..." He trails off, before taking a shuddery breath and finally saying "You look really nice."

A small blush creeps along my cheeks as I smile, "Thank you."

"So the plan is to get to the club and walk around until you can pinpoint the same phone that hacked the USB, got it?" Sitara reassures me and Wrench as I nod.

I look over to see my sister standing near the couch, crossing her arms in annoyance as she has no clue what's going on.

"I'll see you later alligator." I smile to my sister on my way out.

Me and Wrench walk down the steps of the apartment, but when we get to the last corner he suddenly stops and turns around, causing me to bump into him.

"Biscuit?" He asks in a low tone.


"You look fucking edible." He says, leaning forward as his robotic voice mumbles near my ear.

I inhale sharply, my eyes widening as a million dirty thoughts cross my mind.

"T-thanks?" I murmur, before Wrench winks at me and continues walking.

We finally arrive at some fancy club downtown, and have no issue getting in. But that's the easy part.

There are people dancing everywhere, and any one of them could be our hacker.

"How do we find them?" I say into Wrench's ear at the bar as he grabs us two beers.

"We're gonna have to blend in." He replies, grabbing the beers and passing on to me.

I frown at his idea, but nod. I quickly gulp down the liquid courage and grab Wrench's hand, dragging him to the dancefloor.

He doesn't seem to have any objections, even when I place his hands on my waist and wrap my arms around his neck, swaying in beat the the music.

His hands tighten on my waist and pull me closer, his face leans in as he mumbles "I'd be careful how close you get to me Biscuit, when it comes to you my self control slips."

I lick my lips, giving him a lustful smile before spinning around and grinding against him, I vaguely hear him groan "Fuck" over the music and his arms wrap around my middle, slowly making their way up and up towards my breasts.

His chin rests on my shoulder as the spikes of his mask graze my neck, my breathing quickens as our bodies rub against each other.

My phone suddenly dings, breaking me out of my sinful trance, and I jump out of Wrench's arms.

I've found the hacker. He's right next to me.

I look up, eyes rapidly searching the nearby crowd until they land on the one person I would never have suspected. The one person who I never wanted to see again. The man who made my life hell and forced me to run.

I see my father, and he's looking right at me.

Panic fills my body, my mind, and before I know it I'm elbowing my way out of the club and into through the fire exit. The night air fills my lungs as I double over, breathing erratic as I lean against the wall.

Moments later, the door bursts open and I look up to see Wrench searching for me.

"What's wrong?" He asks, panicked as his hands rest on my shoulders, holding me up.

I shake my head, eyes darting in the shadows as if my dad's waiting for me.

"Hey," Wrench softly says, his fingers coming under my chin and tilting my face up to meet his mask, "tell me."

"It's my dad," I blurt out, continuing as he's silent, "the client is my dad. He works at Blume. He's an asshole and I-" but Wrench cuts me off, arms dropping as he backs away.

"Your dad works for Blume? Is that why you've entangled yourself with us?" He asks, anger rising in his voice.

"What? No! I would never rat you out, it's not like I wanted to get into all this shit! Besides, my dad is the reason I ran away, he's the reason why I'm stuck here looking after my sister." I reply, almost shouting.

"Well we've got to tell the others." Wrench says and I nod, but before any of us can do anything, Blume security guards block our exit.

"Miss, you're going to have to come with us." One of the guards says.

I look to Wrench worriedly, knowing we can't fight our way out of this, especially not after my fight last night.

With one tense nod, me and Wrench follow them to a white van as they take us across the city, pulling up at an abandoned warehouse near the docks.

As the doors the van open, Wrench grabs my hand protectively as he helps me out, and we're forced to go inside to where my dad waits.

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