The Dad Problem

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"Hello again daughter dearest" my dad's voice sarcastically says through the phone, and I resist the urge to throw my phone across the street.

Stifling a sigh, I reply "Hey dad" as I lean agasint a nearby wall to support my suddenly shaky body.

Fuck him for making me so weak.

"It was rude of you to suddenly run off with your little friend. I just wanted to talk to you." He says, the sound of his voice grating my nerves.

"Yeah well I didn't exactly feel welcome." I spit out, my hand clenching into a fist.

"Are you fucking him?" My dad asks calmly, making me splutter as I realise he's talking about Wrench.

"That's none of your concern." I reply confidently, but really I'm quite the opposite. I know my dad's intentionally trying to make me uncomfortable, and I hate that it's working.

"It is my concern. Your my daughter, you deserve better than a criminal, besides why would you want to associate yourself with DedSec?" He asks.

I look across the street, then left and right as people casually walk by, my panic on the rise as I hope nobody heard anything from the phone. I know they didn't, but I'm still anxious.

"Well I didn't purposely seek them out, you asked me to hack them, remember?"

My dad chuckles from the other side of the phone, making my hairs stand on edge. "I want to meet with you again."

"No." I say, about to hang up.

"Please." He asks, his tone softer than it has been in a while. I know this is a terrible idea, but he's my dad and something about his voice just calls me to him, even if I hate his guts.

"Fine," I sigh pinching my nose, "where do you want to meet?"

"Come to my office at Blume."

I scoff, "No, I'm not falling for that."

"Well to be honest I don't trust you." My dad says, showing a glimmer of honesty.

"The feelings mutal." I murmur, kicking a stone as I begin to pace the street.

"Come to my apartment then, I'm inviting you into the very place I sleep, surely that's showing you how much I want to see you?" He says, and I hear the faint noise of a knock on his door in the background.

"Find. Text me the address, I'll be over soon." I say, then hang up, slipping my phone into my pocket.

Shit, what have I done?

My anxiety is replaced with determination as I think about how getting this over and done with will keep my sister safe. That's more than enough reason to walk through the fire.

Now, do I let the others know where I'm headed, or do I keep quiet? I know Wrench is still pissed at me, so dragging him even deeper into my problems isn't going to help. Sitara is busy with my sister and I don't quite trust the others yet.

On my own it then, I think as I catch a car to my dad's apartment, praying that this isn't the most terrible decision I've ever made.

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