The Patch Up

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I'm still the whole time, even as my sister sits opposite me, silent tears falling down her face as she watches as I zone out. I hate myself for letting her see this weak side of me.

Not long after she made the call there's a knock on the door.

"Y/N?" A robotic voice calls out. I can't even answer the door, so my sister stands up and opens the door as much as she can as she stares up at a worried Wrench.

"Are you Wrench?" My sister asks with a wobble to her voice. I assume he nods because she moves aside to let him in.

"Y/N? What are you doing on the floor-" Wrench begins, but stops as he takes in my appearance.

I must look as bad as I feel, with my sopping wet clothes still clinging to me, scratches and blood slowly dry on my skin and my eyes feel as vacant.

"Fuck," Wrench angrily curses, but then turns to my sister and mutters a "Sorry, pretend you didn't hear that."

I stare ahead at the floor, even as Wrench wraps his arms around my body and lifts me up as my sister shows him to my bedroom. He gently places me on the bed and I whimper as my body begins to ache.

Well fuck you to adrenaline.

"Who did this to you?" Wrench asks, gently cupping my face with a tattooed hand. I shrug, my first sign of coming back to the present.

"Alright, okay," Wrench says, running a hand through his hair, "Hey mini biscuit, can you do a very special job for me?" Wrench softly asks my sister.

Her head nods vigorously as he asks her to go grab the first aid kit, she comes back within seconds, passing it to him and standing straight as if she's waiting for another order.

"One more thing, can you go and watch your favourite movie for a little while while I take care of your sister?" He leans down asking her, she nods again, as he gives her a high five.

My eyes tear up again as I feel everything at once.

"Hey, don't cry, you're okay now." Wrench coos, wiping my tears with his thumbs, I sniffle a few times before forcing oxygen into my lungs.

"Yeah that's it, in and out." He says as he grabs some alcohol wipes and begins to dab at my cuts.

"I'll get those motherfuckers back Biscuit, don't worry."

"Why do you keep calling me that?" I ask, my voice hoarse.

He stiffens momentarily, as if he wasn't expecting me to talk. Honestly, me neither.

"Because you're small and seem hard on the outside but you're actually sweet and I always seem to want more of you." He answers, and my mouth tilts just a little.

"Okay Porcupine." I mumble as he leans down and dabs at the cut on my lip.

"Let me guess, becuase of the spikes?" He jokes, and I nod.

Twenty minutes pass and I begin to feel more like myself, just traumatised and very, very pissed off.

I head into the living room with Wrench at my heels, my little sister runs up to me and throws her arms around me.

I lean down looking into her eyes as I say "I'm so sorry, I promise that won't ever happen again, okay? You did good, I'm so proud of you."

She nods and replies "I'm glad you're okay, I didn't know what to do so I called your boyfriend."

My eyes widen at her assumption, and I splutter "He's- he's not my boyfriend."

Wrench however, chuckles and mumbles "Not yet."

I give him a pointed look as he sits on the couch.

"I'm gonna go shower, you got dirt all over me." My sister tells me, so I nod.

"Thank you." I say to Wrench, sitting bedside him as I sigh.

"Hey, I told you, if you need anything I'm here." He tells me, leaning forward to express his point.

"There's been a lead with tracking the USB." He says, and I sit up straight, looking at him as a sign for him to continue.

"We don't have a name but we have an account liked to the asshole's calendar. He's got a VIP pass to some fancy club tomorrow night, all we've got to do is go there and see if we can rat him out."

My eyes light up at the idea of getting revenge to whoever made me feel weak. I want to fucking rip them apart.

"Hey, don't get any ideas, you're not going." Wrench says, crossing his arms as he stands up.

"You can't tell me what to do, I'm going." I say with a finality.

"No, you're not. Not after-" He begins, but stops as he lets out a shudders sigh filled with anger.

"I'm not DedSec, so you have no say over what I can or can't do. This is my mess, I've got to fix it." I reply, standing up to face him.

"Fine, but I'm not leaving your side the whole time, and the minute you're in danger, I'm getting you out of there." Wrench says, stepping closer to me.

"Why do you care about me so much, we don't even know each other." I ask him, lifting a shoulder in question.

He shakes his head, "I keep asking myself the same thing Biscuit."

I text Sitara, asking if she can keep an eye on my sister tomorrow night whilst I leave, and thankfully she agrees.

It's time to put an end to this chase.

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