The Attack

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For the next few days I refuse to leave my sister, I recieve a few texts from DedSec with updates about tracking the USB and some general texts from Wrench, we mostly just have an ongoing  GIF war that started the day after my sister was sick.

One particular message from DedSec comes through which sends a panic through me however.

DedSec: You need to watch your back, whoever got hold of the information is one clever bastard. They're willing and seem to be tying up loose ends, and you just happen to be one of them.

For some reason I take this as a threat, though deep down I know it's the truth, but it doesn't stop me from replying

Me: I've held my own for this long, I'm fine.

My sister still seems a bit under the weather, plus there's been an ongoing storm raging it's way through San Francisco, so I deicde to go out and stock up on supplies for us, just basic vitamins and maybe some snacks.

"Will you be okay for half an hour?" I ask my sister who's coddled up in bed continuing her Vampire Diaries binge. .

"Yeah, I'm not five." She replies followed by a sneeze. I sigh and give her a little salute before heading out into the rain.

I manage to grab all the things I need and pay for them, sticking them in my backpack as I pull my hood up, ready to venture back into the sudden darkness of the storm, when my eye catches on someone across the street. Looking right at me.

It's just a coincidence, at least that's what I tell myself as I make my way down the alleyway, cursing at my mistake.

Another man dressed in black stands at the bottom of the ally, I go to turn back and see the same other man from earlier blocking my way.

Motherfucking shitballs.

I don't even have time to panic as they prowl towards me, masks covering half their faces as they come closer and closer.

I tense up, ready to fight.

"Who are you?" I demand, my voice sounding meeker than I wanted it to.

None of the two speak, they just keep coming closer, until the one behind me shoves me forward into the waiting fist of the other.

My lip stings as the momentum throws me back, right onto the floor. I quickly roll over in time to avoid a kick and get up, holding my fists up to my face as I block a punch.

I see a gap so I quickly jab one of the men in the nose and kick him in the groin, but the other comes behind me and grabs me, holding my arms behind my back.

Panic clouds my focus and I launch my head back, headbutting the nose of my attacker as the other man finally gets up.

I see a chance to run so I go for it, but I'm not fast enough and one of the men grabs my shoulder and pulls me back with enough force to slam me into a puddle.

I lay there, staring up at my two attackers whilst I shiver from the cold and fear, my teeth chatter and tears fill my vision.

God, when did I get so weak?

They both look to each other, then one suddenly grabs the front of my jacket and pulls me up with sheer strength, slamming me against the brick wall.

"Forget this happened, and leave things alone." He rumbles, before letting me go. They both look up and down the alleyway as thunder booms, before making a run for it.

I have to get home. Now.

Somehow I run home, slamming the door shut behind me and locking it, before finally collapsing down, my back defending the door as my body violently shakes.

"Y/N?" My sister calls, tip toeing out of her bedroom, I look up and when she sees my face her eyes widen.

"Shit." She mumbles, running up to me and taking my backpack off my back. I stay limp as she kneels down, her small hands shake as she presses a finger to my lip.

I can't speak. I can't move. I can't even think.

"Should I call 911?" She frantically asks, reaching into my jacket pocket and pulling out my phone, unlocking it since she knows my password.

I shake my head once.

"Who then?" She almost shouts hysterically.

Her eyes flick up and down my phone screen until she finally dials a number.

"Hello, is this Wrench? My sister needs help, please help!" She says, ending with a sob.

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