The Breakfast

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By the time I finally make it back to my apartment, it's after 6 AM, I open the door and get a surprise when I see my sister sleepily walk out of her bedroom, still wearing her pyjamas as her hair sticks up like she's been electrocuted.

"You look like shit." She mumbles to me. I let out a small laugh before composing myself and pointing a finger at her.

"Watch your language."

She rolls her eyes and follows me to the kitchen where I place down the box of fresh pateries I got for us, along with two hot chocolates.

"Where'd you go?" She mumbles around a mouthful of a crossaint.

"Just a work thing." I smile, but I know she can see through my lies.

I pick up my hot chocolate and toast it to her crossaint, before gulping it down.

A few minutes pass as we both sit in a comfortable silence at the table eating our breakfast, when my sister suddenly murmurs "I wish you could tell me what you do."

I freeze, knowing this inevitable moment would arrive, but I still hate the fact I have to lie to her to keep her safe, it feels strangely ironic.

"Me too kiddo." I sigh, and she gets up, mumbling "I have online classes to do."

I nod at her as she drags herself back to her bedroom, closing the door which feels a lot like shutting me out. I close my eyes, fighting tears and pinch myself to stop from letting myself fall apart.

I've got to keep us safe, then make sure my sister lives the best life ever and goes to a great university. Maybe then, when I'm alone, I can finally cry.

I clean up the crumbs, but my eyes catch on the stack of bills on the kitchen counter. Nope, I quickly put them on top of the cupboards before my sister can see them.

I stand at the window, watching the city come to life again as it reaches 7, Golden Gate Bridge stands tall in the distance, the view is one of the main things that made me move us here, younger me was oblivious to the area around. Well there's no need to dwell on the past.

I pluck my phone out of my pocket, checking for a message or any sign of anything, but there's nothing. I then grab the USB and hold it in my hand, staring at it as if it's a bomb just waiting to explode.

Heading to my room, I grab my second spare laptop since the other is scattered around the streets of San Francisco, and plug the USB in.

When the file appears, I click on it.

No. Way.

I rub my eyes, not believing what I'm seeing, yet as they refocus the laptop still displays the same thing.


I go through the USB, looking at the recent history and that's when I discover the files were there, but then they were moved at 3.30 AM, when I was asleep.

Well fuck, someone's hacked the hacker.

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