The Plan

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Pain is the first thing I feel, followed by a cold breeze. I carefully open my eyes, momentarily forgetting everything, until I remember.

The City Hall speech. Getting caught. Blume. My dad screwing me over. Wrench.

I shoot up, muscles aching as I look around, and see that I'm on a park bench.

Okay, what the actual fuck.

I turn my head to check for signs of people, but it seems like nobody's around. I feel for my phone that I carefully tucked in my bra at the City Hall, silently thanking myself for putting it in a place the guards wouldn't dare touch.

The screen comes to life and I see a load of text messages from Sitara. Shit. I check the time and my phone tells me it's past midnight.

Shit, I've been out for over an hour. Wrench and Marcus need me at a dock, if my dad was even telling the truth about that.

I don't have time to think on it. I get up, following the path until I recognise the park as Mission Delores, eerily close to the hackerspace, is this a sick joke?

I see a nearby car parked under a streetlight, so I use an app on my phone to unlock it, getting in I immediately start driving to the closest docks, I figure whoever put me on that bench wanted a short detour before going to where the real fun begins.


By time I pull up at the dock I'm shivering and my mind is racing, I force myself to take a dew deep breaths. I've got to focus if I want to help them.

I use my phone to hack into the security cameras, jumping from one to another as I pray I don't see any familiar bodies lying around...

A few seconds later I get my answer. They're all there. Marcus. Sitara. Josh. Wrench.

Motherfucker, where's my sister?

I count how many guards there are patrolling the area, and run the endless possibilities through my head of how I should approach this.

I've got to fight.

I sneak out of the car, checking my boots are laced and I do my jacket up before jogging to the corner of the dock, I hide behind a crate until a guard walks past carrying a gun.

I leap forward, tacking him to the ground and strangling him until he's unconscious. Not dead, I'm not a villain.

I grab his gun for safety and his ID, putting them both in my back pockets as I continue making my way to my...friends?

A few guards later and I see a group of them, too many for me to take down in one go.

My friends look okay, well they're not dead so that's good. Until I see a guard pull out his gun and point it at Marcus.

I use my phone to turn off all the lights, shouts fill the night air as I smile to myself as I dart forward, silently taking out whoever is closest.

"Y/N?" Sitara calls out, but I'm too busy to answer her.

One by one the lights on the dock come back on, and I see Marcus working on getting out of his restraints, and Wrench gets up from his knees, headbutting a guard behind him.

I finish knocking out the guard attacking me and I spin around just in time to see Wrench and a guard fall into the water.

"Wrench!" I shout in desperation, not even thinking as I run to the edge of the inky blackness and dive in.

I search and search, panic seizing me as the seconds tick by, but then arms grip me and drag me to the surface.

I gasp the precious oxygen and come face to face with Wrench, who looks pissed. But alive.

Without a word we swim to the shore where the others are waiting. Wrench immediately pushes away from me, and goes to stand with the others as I kneel on the sand.

They all form a line, as if they're blocking me from getting past.

Suddenly Sitara's fist meets my face and I fall back, massaging my jaw I meet her hurt eyes.

"I'm fucking sick of being punched, but I admit I deserve that one." I say with a sigh.

She then does something unexpected, she lunges forward and hugs me, holding me close as I hug her back.

"I'm so mad at you, but Marcus told us everything. We're all pissed but we get it." She answers before I can ask.

I give Marcus a thankful nod.

"Not everyone." Wrench mumbles, but I choose to ignore that statement for now.

I lean back from Sitara's grip, "Where's my sister?"

Her eyes avoid mine, and I stand up, feeling sick and faint. I repeat the question.

"They took her." She plainly says, shaking her head as her eyes drop to the floor.

"They're going to fucking die." I say, feeling more angry than I've ever felt in my life. Without another word I storm away from the group.

A strong hand grips my arm, tugging me back. I look down to see tattoos then up and up to see Wrench's concerned face.

"Where are you going?" He asks, looking into my eyes.

"It doesn't matter." I shake my head, pulling out of his grip as I try to walk away.

"Wait!" He calls following me, "The deal is still on." He says, and I quirk an eyebrow at him.

"The original deal. Help us and we'll help you." He replies, and I sigh.

With a tense nod I beckon the others to follow me as we get in the car and I drive us to a backup hakerspace in Silicon Valley with Sitara's instructions.

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