The Morning

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I wake up after a restless night of sleep, my body already aching from last night's sprint away from my dad.

I get dressed, throwing Wrench's tee on the bed and heading downstairs, praying there's no awareness between us after last night.

As soon as I get downstairs I can hear loud rock music playing from a nearby speaker, and see Wrench smashing something with a sledgehammer.

Shit, I hope this is just his usual Saturday morning activities, and I really hope he isn't imagining my head as the poor machine that's being smashed to bits.

"Did you sleep alright?" Wrench asks, and I snap out of my thoughts to see Wrench turned to me, sledgehammer on the table. And his mask back on.

"Yeah...well no, but thank you." I stumble, face flaming as I recall his lips on mine.

Jesus, now isn't the time.

"Look, about last night-" I begin, but Wrench shakes his head and walks past me to grab something.

"I didn't mean to kiss you, it was a stupid adrenaline filled mistake." He coldly says over his shoulder.


"Right, yeah." I mumble, feeling a sting in my chest. Quick, recover from it.

"Though I wasn't gonna talk about that, I was just going to say that I'm sorry my dad is like the real life equivalent of Darth Vader." I laugh, but it doesn't sound real.

Wrench turns back around and nods, laughing nervously, "Yeah, that sucks. We should meet at the hackerspace and talk about it with everyone."

I nod, taking a breath before saying "Before that, I need coffee. Store bought, piping hot and deliciously caffinated."

"Sure, let me just-" Wrench starts, but I shake my head, giving him a fake smike as I explain.

"Honestly I just need some time on my own to comprehend everything. Don't worry, I'm not running off, I'll even bring you one back." I say at his horrified expression.

He sighs and nods, before going back to his work.

I walk outside and noitce it's a nice morning, the sky is blue and the clouds look extra fluffy. I inhale the warm breeze and put my headphones in, hoping to try and calm my nerves.

I have no clue what I'm going to do about any of this. My dad is behind everything, and he needs to be taken down, even if it's just to protect myself and my sister. But he still has the information on DedSec, after all they've done for me I owe it to them to get that back.

My phone buzzes, letting me know I have an incoming call, assuming it's Wrench I pick up and say "I'm getting your coffee, Jesus-"

"Hello again daughter dearest." My dad says from the other end of the line.

Suddenly this morning doesn't seem so nice after all...

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