The Mole

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A couple of weeks pass and to say I'm fed up of sleeping in different hotel rooms with my sister would be an understatement. It still isn't safe to go back to my run down apartment, and after a few days with Wrench I insisted on letting him have his space back, so reluctantly he agreed to let us leave. Well more like I bribed him with letting me leave and in return he can keep coming to visit us.

DedSec has been working non stop hacking what little scraps we can from my dad's numerous online accounts and peers, but he's good at hiding his dirty secrets. My sister has kept herself occupied with online classes, often sitting with me in the hackerspace as Wrench and I work together.

It's just a normal day in the hackerspace when Josh suddenly freaks out, standing up and running his hands through his brown hair, muttering angrily as he paces. Wrench gives me a weird look from beside me before standing up and joining the others trying to calm Josh down.

"No, it's not okay!" Josh snaps at Sitara, who physically backs away from his sudden shout.

I get up from the sofa to see what's going on.

"Our followers have been arrested. Over one hundred have been detained and taken to safe houses to be questioned about DedSec's activity." Josh tells me, avoiding my eyes as I try to process what he's saying.

"So what, how have they been found out?" Wrench asks, looking to everyone for answers.

A moment of silence passes before Josh steps closer to me, looking me in the eyes as he asks "Do you know anything about it?".

I raise an eyebrow, crossing my arms as I stare back, I feel everyone's eyes on me as I answer "No."

Josh frowns in disbelief, and I try to carefully control my breathing, don't panic is what I try to tell myself, but it's pretty fucking hard when you're a fish surrounded by the sharks.

"Hey man, back off, she knows just as much as we do." Wrench steps infront of me, defending me as usual.

Josh looks from me to Wrench before shaking his head and walking back to his desk and mumbling something about a 'mole' under his breath.

"All right kiddos, let's calm this down and remember who's probably behind his, Y/N's dad is giving a speech at the city hall tonight." Sitara says, passing her phone to me as she shows me a news headline.

"And? I doubt he's going to confess every scandalous thing he's done in front of the mayor." I lightly laugh to break the awkwardness.

"Well no, obviously," she pointedly looks at me, "but I think you should attend and see if you can get access to anything there." She finishes, and my eyebrows shoot up.

"I-I really don't want to do that. I mean the last time I saw him it wasn't on great terms." I half lie, it's not like I'm going to tell her I've been seeing my dad on a regular basis to leak all of DedSec's activities.

"You won't be alone and I won't let him near you." Wrench says, putting an arm around my shoulder and nudging me.

"You'd come with me?" I ask, giving him a small smile.

"As if I'd let you go alone." He says flatly.

"Okay." I nod, Sitara gives me a thumbs up just as Marcus comes over from speaking to Josh.

"I'll come with you both, there's something I want to take a look at." He says, briefly looking at me.

Wrench fist bumps Marcus as I quietly gulp.

Are they onto me?

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