The Ending

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One year later

"I still can't get over the view!" I exclaim as we all sit on top of a rooftop overlooking the city.

The night air isn't cold, but Wrench still holds me close to his chest as I stare at the city beyond.

"I still can't get over the fact it's been a whole year since we adopted you." Marcus jokes, wrapping an arm around Sitara's shoulders. There have been some new developments between the two and I'm happy for them.

"To DedSec!" Sitara cheers, holding up her bottle of beer and we all clink our bottles.

Suddenly fireworks begin to go off in the distance, with Golden Gate Bridge in the background.

I turn to Wrench with narrowed eyes, "I said no explosives!"

"Hey, they're legal...mostly!" He laughs, and I get on my tip toes and kiss his mask, "Anything for my biscuit." He adds, and I roll my eyes at that ridiculous nickname.

"Of course you'd be overly dramatic you oversized porcupine." I retort, and he pulls me closer to him as he tilts my face up, "Let's make a deal..."

I laugh as the fireworks continue to shoot up into the night, grateful for the job that let me to my family.


AN: And that's a wrap! Thank you for reading and I really hope you enjoyed it, I might be writing a completely new Wrench X Reader story soon so keep an eye out!
I just wanted to say that I'm extremely grateful to all the kind comments and love I've received from this story and some of my others, you're all the reason I keep writing! ♡

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