The Rescue

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I finish saying my goodbyes to the rest of DedSec and leave the hackerspace, using the same car I stole I drive my way towards my dad's apartment. Stopping a few blocks away and walking the rest, climbing the fire escape into the building.

I use my phone to hack into the security feed and I see that there are a shit ton of guards everywhere. A few suddenly pull out their walkie talkies and run to the stairs heading up.

Thanks for the distraction DedSec.

I slip behind a wall, before grabbing a guard from behind and taking him out, setting him on the floor as quietly as I can before moving onto the next one.

Four guards later and I come face to face with my dad's front door. With a deep breath and a racing heart I open the door, peeking through to see if anyone's waiting on the other side.

All clear, huh?

I step in, my boots the only sound on the hardwood floor as my eyes dart around.

"Y/N?" A familiar small voice calls out, and my head swivels in the direction.

"Y/S/N!" I call out, kneeling down as she runs at me full sprint from the couch. Her arms squeeze my neck as I let out a relieved sigh, pushing her back my hand cups her face as I scan her body for injuries.

"I'm okay, well scared shitless, but okay." She lets out a small laugh.

"Language." I blurt out without thinking, I'm so used to correcting her, but we both end up laughing it off.

"This isn't a pleasant surprise." My dad's voice says from behind my sister, and I curse myself for forgetting momentarily.

I stand up, pushing my sister behind me as I tense up ready for a fight.

"You're done for. The police already have enough evidence to take you down." I say raising my chin, knowing this is the moment I've been waiting for my whole life.

"Really? I thought you were smarter than that, money talks daughter dearest." He chuckles, but I see through the false bravado.

"Yeah I figured you'd be that thick, hence why I ratted out all the dirty cops on your pay roll. There are good people out there, and in about five minutes that's going to kick you in the balls." I tell him, not being able to suppress my smile as his face drops.

He suddenly launches himself at me, and I manage to push my sister out of the way in time as he tackles me to the floor.

I try to knee him in the groin but his leg blocks me, and his hands squeeze around my neck.

"Listen here you little bitch, I'm not going down without taking you with me! You hear me!" He spits, teeth gritted and face red.

I try to use my combat skills, but the lack of oxygen just makes me panic and I end up wriggling around instead.

Fuck, just when I thought I'd be okay.

My vision becomes splotchy and I'm sure I can feel myself dying.

I hear a smash and suddenly I can breathe again, my dad's body hits the ground beside me and I look up to see my sister holding a very expensive but half broken vase.

"Ohmygod!" She panics, crouching next to me as I sit up and gasp.

"I'm. Still. Alive." I say, squeezing her shoulder as she nods. She helps me up and grabs my hand leading me to the door.

"Shit, did he ever mention a USB to you?" I ask her, remembering what I owe.

"Yeah he kept putting it in his pocket." She says, going back and digging through my dad's pockets as he lies still but breathing.

"Aha!" She cheers, grabbing the familiar object and passing it to me. I give her a grateful smile and grab her hand as we walk out of the building. 

I don't even look back at my sperm donors body.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Sitara coos to my sister back at the regular hackerspace as I wrap an arm around my sister.

"This is yours," I say, passing over the USB to Marcus who's next to Sitara, "I'm sorry I stole your shit, if I'd known it would have led to all this I wouldn't have taken the job." I apologise, and he nods.

"Right princess, we should get going." I say to my sister who pouts.

"Get going?" Wrench asks, and I turn around to see him walking down the stairs.

My face falls, and I look to the others as I say "I'm probably one of the most wanted criminals in San Francisco, I can't stay here."

Everyone looks to each other and it's Marcus who nods and steps forward.

"We were thinking, even though you fucked us over big time, you did own up to it, and helped us achieve something we couldn't have done without you." He tells me, and everyone smiles.

"Basically," Wrench cuts in, pushing Marcus out of the way as he puts his hands together in a begging motion, "do you want to join us? Please?"

My jaw drops, and my sister looks up at me expectantly. "I-I don't know-" I begin, but surprisingly my sister chimes in.

"You've done bad things, but that doesn't make you a bad person."

I ruffle her hair, wondering when she got so smart, before looking up into Wrench's mask.

"I suppose I can stick around." I reply, grinning as everyone cheers.

"Let's go celebrate!" Sitata calls out, heading up the stairs as we all follow. My arm is around my sisters shoulders and Wrench's hand somehow finds my other hand.

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