The Confession

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We all make ourselves as comfortable as we can in my dad's office. But considering we're in the snakes den AKA Blume, and two of us are handcuffed, things aren't exactly peachy.

"Fuck!" Wrench randomly says, voice full of anger as he paces, hands cuffed behind him as the guards point their guns at him.

"Hey man, we'll figure this out." Marcus says trying to reassure him, but Wrench just shakes his head.

"Can you stop fucking pointing your guns at us!" I snap at the guards, my resolve fraying by the minute.

"Yeah at us, maybe not at her, she can't be trusted." Wrench deadpans, and though it hurts, I can't blame him.

"Why'd you do it?" Marcus asks, looking up at me as he sits on the floor.

"He threatened my sister. Said that if I gave him information on DedSec that he'd pay me more than what he was going to originally." I honestly reply, there's no point lying.

"Oh yeah, how could we forget she tried to fuck us over from the beginning!" Wrench sarcastically adds, so I try to ignore him and the pain I feel as he hates me.

"I'm fucking pissed at what you've done..." Marcus says, staring at me, "but I would have done the same in your position." He adds, and I see a moment of understanding.

"Dude!" Wrench exclaims, shrugging his shoulders up as if to say 'What the hell'.

Suddenly the door opens and the arguing stops, my dad strolls in, giving us all a glance before walking to his desk and pulling out a bottle of whisky, he takes a deep swig and puts it back.

I scoff, "You're fucking pathetic, my whole life you made me feel weak and you used me, and now you're the one that needs a drink? It must be tough being a narcissistic psycopa-" I shout, but my dad storms over to me and his fist meets my face with enough power to knock me on my ass.

I hear Wrench and Marcus call my name, struggling to help me.

Usually I'd back away. Fear and cower. I could never stand up to him, never threaten or try to best him.

Well that fucking ended the moment he threatened my sister.

I shoot up from the floor, ignoring the pain in my face as my own fist meets his jaw, his head snaps to the side and he falls back agasint the desk holding his face with a shocked expression.

The guards suddenly grab me, putting handcuffs on me. "Oh so now you think I'm a threat?" I laugh, feeling completely unhinged.

"You little bitch!" My dad shouts, turning red as he stomps back to me, where I'm being held, defenseless. "Maybe your too stupid to see sense through your own pain, you never really cared about yourself when you did whatever you could to defend that little brat. So maybe I should start hurting the people you care about."

"Don't. You. Dare." I grit out, until he takes a step back. His eyes flick to Wrench, who's on his knees panting, and absolute fear takes over me.

"No" I whisper, eyes wide as my dad smirks.

"You've always been a disappointment, there's no surprise you go and catch feelings for a stray." He laughs, right as he kicks Wrench in the stomach.



Three times.

A few punches.

I sob as I watch Wrench's body crumple, at first Wrench tries to take it but I see the moment it begins to affect him, his grunts and pants will forever haunt me.

After what feels like hours, my dad walks away satisfied, wiping his hands on a handkerchief from his pocket.

Wrench groans on the floor, doubled over in pain. Even Marcus has tears falling down his face.

"Take them to the dock." My dad orders the guards.

A hollow laugh escapes me, "So you're gonna kill us?"

My dad shrugs, "They're loose ends, of course I'd never kill my own flesh and blood though."

Before I can think further, the end of a gun whacks me in the head and I know nothing more other than darkness.

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