The Interrogation

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For the first time in years, I come face to face with the asshole who I call a father.

"Hello Y/N," my dad says with a villainous smile, beckoning to a set or cheap garden chairs placed in the middle of the empty warehouse, "take a seat."

I shake my head as Wrench still holds onto my hand which shakes a little, "No, I'm not doing anything you tell me." I reply with a faked confidence.

"Sit down." He raises his voice, causing me to flinch as flashbacks appear in my mind of his temper and habit to take it out on me.

I slowly not and give Wrench's hand a squeeze before letting go and sitting in one of the chairs. Wrench follows my lead and roughly throws himself into the chair next to me, sitting up straight as he puffs out his chest.

"You know you could have just bought me a coffee like a normal reunion." I sarcastically say to my dad.

He takes it the wrong way and storms towards me, leaning down as his hands squeeze the arms of either side of my chair, "You think you're fucking funny?" He threatens. In the corner of my eye I see Wrench try to get up but a gun is suddenly pointed at him.

My eyes fill with unwanted tears as fear takes ahold of me. At least it's not your sister I try to remind myself.

"How's the brat?" My dad asks, letting go and moving a few steps away as he straightens his tie.

"She's okay, but she's been sick lately." I reply with a momtone voice, trying not to let my emotions get to me.

"Ah, no surprise there, she always has been a splinter in someone's thumb, irritating and painful." He says with no remorse.

Heat flares in my cheeks as my fear is replaced by anger, but I do my usual method of pinching myself to stay in control. With a levelled voice I ask "Why do you want to take down Dedsec?"

My father laughs and raises his eyebrows, "You're still sharp I see. As you're now aware, I work for Blume, but I've never been content with being an underdog." He shrugs.

"So what? You want to take down Dedsec and get credit for it? What then?" I ask, my eyebrows knitting together as I momentarily look at Wrench, who hasn't moved a bit since the gun is still pointed at him.

"I want Dusan Nemec's job, that son of a bitch can't get anything done." My father says simply, picking a piece of lint from his shoulder of his suit.

I let out a bark of laughter, "Neither is getting your daughter to do it for you." As soon as the words are out of my mouth I realise my mistake.

I spoke back.

Before I have time to react my father backhands me across the face, bringing fresh pain to my face, mixed in with the bruises of last night's attack.

"Motherfucker!" Wrench shouts, darting forward and tackling my father. I take the opportunity to quickly kick my chair back and tackle the guard with the gun, a bullet goes off and I throw the gun across the room, straddling the guard I punch him across the face one, twice, more times than I can count.

Arms grab me from behind and pull me away, I shrug then off and see another guard trying to grab me. I hear shouts from outside the warehouse and guns begin to go off.

All of a sudden Wrench comes into view and punches the guard across the face, knocking him out as he pulls me up.

I look to where guards surround my father who is surprisingly unhurt, apart from a cut lip.

"I only got one hit in." Wrench quickly answers before I can ask.

His hand finds mine once again and pulls me towards the exit, we both run hand in hand as bullets fly at us. We make it out into the night just as thunder booms and rain begins to fall.

"We need to go somewhere safe, they're probably on their way to your place right now." Wrench shouts over the heavy rainfall, pulling me towards the city.

I nod and grab my phone from my pocket, dialling Sitara as quick as I can. She picks up on the first ring.

"I can't talk for long. We found the hacker and this is bigger than we thought. You're both not safe at my place, get my sister to your house and erase as much data as you can from the video footage on your way out of the apartment." I rush out as my legs slow down.

I don't wait for an answer, I hang up and try to keep up with Wrench's sprinting.

"Where are we going?" I shout, out of breath and in pain.

"My garage. I have a place above it where we can lay low." He calls back, pulling me to his home.

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