The Sleepover

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My sister settles in Wrench's bed as I pull the duvet up to her chin, I get a brief flashback to the last time I was in here with Wrench, and how it went terribly wrong.

"Goodnight." I smile, giving my sister a kiss on the head as I get up. Before I can leave her little hand grabs mine, I turn to see her panicked face.

"Are we safe here tonight?" She asks and I nod, not trusting myself to speak.

She nods and yawns as her eyes finally close.

I shut the door quietly and head downstairs to where Wrench is sat on the worn sofa, two beers are sitting on the table.

"What are we celebrating?" I ask jokingly as I sit on the sofa next to him.

"World domination?" He asks with a raised eyebrow, his mask sits on the arm of the sofa.

"How about trust?" I say, but immediately regret the words.

Wrench tilts his head, his dirty blonde hair falls over his forehead.

"I mean, you must trust me enough to take your mask off in front of me now." I say, waving my arm at his face.

He averts his eyes and picks up his beer, taking a few heavy gulps.

"Hey, take it easy!" I laugh, grabbing my own beer and necking it down.

"Is it really such a big thing?" He asks after a few moments. I look at him, his eyebrows knit together as he stares at the table in front of him.

"Well I guess not, I'm just glad you can tolerate to actually look at me." I laugh nervously, my fingers begin to pluck at the label on the bottle.

"I don't know who wouldn't tolerate you, you're smart, you're protective and you're just-" He begins, but stops himself as he looks at my wide eyes.

"I'm glad you think so" I mumble, my kind drifting to my dad's opinion of me, "my dad used to use me to do his hacking, if I didn't comply he'd threaten me with my sister, telling me I'd never see her again. I guess that's why I'm so protective of her, because she's the only thing I've got left to care about." I admit, my eyes meeting Wrench's understanding blue ones.

"We'll fuck his shit up, I promise." Wrench says earnestly, and I don't know why but it makes me feel things.

I lean forward, my hands find Wrench's neck as I pull him into me, my lips find his and this time I want to want him.

His hands wrap around my body, edging me closer until I'm straddling his lap, my hands dig into his hair as he groans, and I instinctively rock my hips against him, coaxing a squeeze from his hands that now are over my ass.

Even though I'm on top, Wrench's mouth still dominates mine, his tongue dances in my mouth as I blaze, whimpering as he begins to leave a trail of kisses down my jawline and on my neck.

"Fuck"  I moan as he sucks my neck, leaving a mark.

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do this." He murmurs between kisses, and I smile, but remember my sister is upstairs.

"Wremch," I say, putting a hand out as I lean back, his arms still hold onto me, "We can't take this further tonight, not that I don't want to, its just my sister-" I shrug, and he nods, letting out a shaky sigh.

I lean my foread against his, eyes never leaving his as he mumbles "My name is Reggie, obviously my parents didn't hate  me that much to name me after a tool." He grins, and I smirk at his remark.

"Reggie is now one of my favourite words." I say, and he rolls his eyes at my cheesiness.

I rest my head against his chest as I sit sideways, holding onto him as I close my eyes.

"I'm so glad you took that job." He mumbles, and I scoff, "Why?". His hand strokes my back in small circles as he replies "Because I wouldn't have met you otherwise, and that would have fucking sucked."

I smile and listen to his heartbeat, pushing away the dark thoughts that scream 'This isn't going to last traitor.'

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