The Preparation

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We finally arrive at the backup hackerspace and I follow the others hesitantly inside.

Sitara quickly gives us a tour and tells us to clean up as it would make us feel better.

I quickly change into some spare clothes that I got from the DedSec vending machine, keeping my leather jacket and thankfully my phone which somehow survived my little dip in the sea.

I then head to the main room and find everyone drinking coffee, if my life wasn't completely fucked this could almost feel nice.

My body can't keep still and it's not long before I'm pacing the room, running my fingers through my hair as my brain kicks into overdrive about what could go wrong. Well, what could go more wrong.

"Hey, calm the fuck down." Wrench calls out, and my head swivels around to meet his face that's sat down next to me.

"How can I? My sister could be-" I begin, but I can't finish the sentence. I can't even think it.

Wrench's arms suddenly reach out towards my waist and pull me onto his lap, I'm too surprised to react straight away, but then I try to wriggle away.

"Get off me, I need to go find her. I've got to make sure she's okay. My dad could be anywhere. He could be hurting her-" I panic, finally spilling out all my worries as my eyes fill with unshed tears.

His warm hands come and cup my face, focusing my gaze on him as he slowly but softly says "It's going to be alright. She's a tough kid and your dad knows he'd never get away with laying a finger on her, we'll get her back."

The others seem to sense our need for privacy, so they get up with their mugs and leave the room, even though Sitara has to drag Josh away, telling him we're having a 'moment'.

"Why are you so hot and cold with me?" I whisper, looking down and fiddling with my hoodie strings.

Wrench shakes his head and sighs, "I hate you for what you did to us. To me. But I hate the fact that I love you even after all the shut you pulled even more."

My head shoots up, my eyes widen and I'm pretty sure my jaw drops.

"And even though I'd love to fuck the life out of you after that confession, now isn't the time. We've got to sort this all out, then after we can deal with our...situation." He tells me, and I nod because that's the only thing I can do.

"You can all come back now, it's not like you didn't hear it all." Wrench calls out, and the others all suddenly walk out from around the corner, smirking and looking like their fangirling.

"So whilst you both were talking things out, I managed to track your sister from a tracker I put on her shoes." Sitara says, and I get off from Wrench's lap and grab her phone.

"That's my dad's apartment." I say to everyone, who are all leaning over my shoulder.

"I can get in there and grab her, I don't want anyone else to get hurt." I tell them, and Wrench crosses his arms.

"No way, we're helping. Even if it's not for you, that little drama queen needs us." Sitara chimes in, raising her chin determinedly.

I sigh, "Okay, what if I go in and get my sister, and search for the USB, in the meantime you all can grab that video evidence from Blume where my dad is- You know, beating the shit out of everyone, send the cops my way and I'll be out of there just in time for my dad's arrest." I suggest, and they all muse over it for a minute.

"Damn, she's good at planning." Marcus smiles, and I give him a nod.

"Okay, I just need to go grab a few things." I say, heading to the small room where I saw a few stun guns laying around.

I tuck one into my jackets inner pocket, but turn around when I see I've got a shadow.

"Wrench?" I ask, but he just prowls towards me, taking his mask off seconds before his lips meet mine with enough force to knock me into the wall.

My arms wrap around his neck as his hands roam my back, moving lower until he reaches my thighs. I hitch a leg up and hook it over his waist as he leans into me, his mouth absolutely dominating mine.

"Fuck." I moan between the kiss as I roll my hips into his. His kisses slow down after a few minutes and he finally pulls away.

My face feels flushed and I know my lips definitely look like they've just been exercised.

All I do is stare at him with a hint of a smile, even when he leans in and mumbles into my ear "Be careful, I still need to keep my word."

My breath hitches and I nod, leaning up and pressing a more meaningful kiss to his cheek as I leave the room.

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