The Deal

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"Why'd you hack us?" Marcus asks as I slip back into my normal self, the milliseconds of fake confidence completely erased from my mind.

I think about my options;
1. I could lie but they'd still find me and do who knows what.

2. I could tell them but I'm not sure how that would go.

"We haven't got all night Biscuit." Wrench angrily says, and I hold up my middle finger to him as I turn to look at Marcus.

"I was paid by someone." I admit.

"Who?" Marcus asks, stepping closer to me as I step back, coming back to back with the wall.

"I don't know, they're always anonymous."

Wrench scoffs and my temper gets the better of me, mixed in with my panic and rapidly declining handle on all of this, I snap at him.

"What the fuck is your problem, you weird looking porcupine!"

Wrench visibly stands taller, his friendly bravado now gone as he comes towards me, "You're my problem you little shit."

It's my turn to scoff as I stand taller, staring at his stupid mask as I refuse to back down. If this is my last argument I refuse to go down crying.

We both stare at each other with a scowl until Marcus comes between us, pushing Wrench back.

"What's your motive for all this?" Marcus asks, his eyes softening and I feel momentarily comfortable with him.

"This isn't Scream, sometimes there is no motive." I shrug, crossing my arms as I shiver, the night really is taking its toll on me now.

"Did you seriously make a horror movie reference?" Wrench asks, calmer now.

I roll my eyes and nod, not believing that I'm seriously stuck with these two idiots.

"She's cool. A pain in the ass, but still cool." Wrench mumbles to Marcus, who gives him a questioning look.

"So you're getting paid for this job, right?" Marcus asks. I guess he figured it out, though it isn't really rocket science.

I nod, but stay quiet. I hate admitting that I'm desperate for the money.

"I get it" Wrench murmurs, and both me and Marcus look at him. Something about the way he said it makes me feel like maybe for a split second he opened up.

"I kind of hacked you back." Wrench admits further, his voice raises a few octaves as he shrugs.

My mind blanks.


"I mean, I was trying to find out who you were and how you even hacked us, and then I tried to stop reading but I couldn't help but look at your Blume profile, which then led to your browsing history, which then led to all your funny cat videos on Nudle." He rambles, scratching the back of his neck.

I stare daggers at him, even as Wrench continues to talk, "I mean I'm not really a fan of cats, or any animals, but I do like-"

"Now isn't the time man" Marcus cuts in as I stare at Wrench incredulously. What an idiot.

"It's because pussies avoid you." I say with a straight face, which coaxes a laugh from them both.

"Look, there's a target on your back, your apparent client screwed you over an hour ago when they found out we know. Obviously whoever it is isn't a fan of us or you, DedSec can protect you, but you're gonna have to help us out too." Marcus explains.

I bite my lip as I process his words. Shit, I knew this would go to shit. If I'm nit safe than neither is my sister.

"If you can give us our information back, we can take that target off of you." Marcus offers, sounding sincere.

I find myself nodding, even if it's only for my sisters safety.

"Aight, I'll text you a time and a place to meet." Marcus says and I nod, slowly backing out of the alleyway.

"Aren't you gonna say bye to me Biscuit?" Wrench coos, and I can't help but to smile as Marcus sighs, mumbling "This is going to be eventful."

"Bye you oversized porcupine." I call out, before quickly getting as far away as possible.

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