Me: *appears* Hello, Jade Winglet!
JW: Hi, neon_aster!
Me: OK who wants to go to that other universe? All of you? Great! *fires up the transporter*
Peril: Wait-
Winter: NO!
Me: *gleefully* Too late! Bye now!
*in RRGA*
JW: *appears*
DW: WhAt ThE hEcK?
RRGASuuny: Hello! I guess you're all visiting?
Peril: SOME of us didn't WANT to come.
Winter: Indeed.
RRGASunny: Well, let me introduce you to the Diamond Winglet. That's Rain, my dragonet-
Rain: Hi *waves*
RRGASunny: -Sharp, Rain's boyfriend-
Sharp: Hello!
Rain: *blushes* MOM-
RRGASunny: -Quicksilver, Sharp's bff-
Quicksilver: Nice to meet you
RRGASunny: -Larkspur, Quicksilver's girlfriend-
Larkspur: Dipladenia...
Quicksilver: ExCuSe Me WhAt?
RRGASunny: And the others are... somewhere else.
*somewhere else*
Stream: ...
*back at RRGA JMA*
RRGASunny: Uh... yeah.
RRGASunny: Yeah?
RRGATsunami: Come see my dragonets! Oh- the Jade Winglet's visiting.
RRGATsunami: Is it just me or are they younger than they were yesterday?
RRGASunny: Their from that other universe.
RRGATsunami: Ah. Well, would they like to meet my dragonets?
RRGATsunami: OK, this here's Conch- *points to a dark blue one who looks a lot like Tsunami and biting Riptide's tail with fierceness* -and that's Tide. *points to a sky-blue dragonet who looks like Riptide, and is standing quietly atop a large rock*
JW: Awwwwwwwwwwwww
RRGAGlory: Is the show-off your-dragonet thing today, or...?
RRGASunny: Yep! And look, the other universe Jade Winglet is here too!
RRGAGlory: Wonderful. Say hi, Faith.
Faith: Hi, Faith!
RRGAGlory: Ha ha, smarty-pants. Don't sass your mother.
RRGADeathbringer: She gets it from you...
RRGAGLory: She's sassy AND smug.
Cloudspinner: I'm older!
Faith: I'm ten minutes older than you, fartface.
RRGAGlory: Every one, this is my son Cloudspinner and my daughter Faith.
Faith: KILL!
Poppy: That's my girl!
Glory: *facetalons*
Starflight: *is being led by his almost-one-year-old daughter* Hello. I brought Firefly.
Tide: Hey Firefly!
Firefly: Hello, Tide!
Starflight: Fatespeaker is looking after our egg and couldn't come.
Everyone: *hasn't notices that the JW has disappeared*
A/N Just... :3
A Year in the Lives of the Jade Winglet
FanfictionEvery day for a year I'll be writing a chapter in this book for every day of what I imagine the JW's lives to be like. On holidays I will drop the chapter the day before so I can celebrate!! The JW will play games, sing songs and naturally HAVE GREA...