October 28- Let's Stalk Ships Part 11

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Kinkajou: Hi everyone and welcome back to Let's Stalk Ships! It's been a while, huh?

Kinkajou: Well, I have a SHIP DILEMMA! And you probably know what that means... *puts on safety goggles* the true method of knowledge is experimentation!

Kinkajou: So. Here's the plan. First, we'll have Auklet and Asteroid do Seven Minutes in Heaven. Then Auklet and Cliff, then Asteroid and Cliff, then all three of them together. But of course we'll have to get a-couple-years-in-the-future versions of these dragonets. So we consult our local magic providers, Brilliance and Turtle!

Brilliance: Hi everyone! Kinkajou, I am honoured to be on your podcast.

Turtle: Same here.

Kinkajou: Aw you guys! Now who wants to EXPERIMENT?

Turtle: Um...

Kinkajou: It's OK, you can just watch and be backup if you want.

Turtle: *evident relief* OK, phew. *stands off to the side*

Brilliance: *picks up a piece of glass* When this piece of glass shatters, six-year-old Auklet, Asteroid and Cliff will come here for thirty minutes. When the time is up, they will return to the future with no memory of whatever tests we conduct here.

Kinkajou: Lovely. Drop it!

Brilliance: *drops the piece of glass and it shatters*

Future Auklet, Future Asteroid and Future Cliff: *appear*

Future Asteroid: ...where are we?

Future Cliff: This appears to be JMA...

Future Auklet: Aw come on! I was JUST winning that game of chess against Mother!

Kinkajou: Hi! Hihihi! We have some tests to do on you guys, if you'll oblige.

Future Cliff: ...uh... will they hurt?

Kinkajou: No, not at all.

Brilliance: *mutters* Well, not physically...

Future Asteroid: What?

Brilliance: Nothing! Continue!

Kinkajou: So! First, I need Asteroid and Auklet to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with each other.

Future Auklet: ...why?

Kinkajou: *shoves them in the other cave* Great! Ready? GO!

Turtle: *hurridly starts the timer*

Future Asteroid and Future Auklet: *sit there uncomfortably*

Future Auklet: ...for old times' sake?

Future Asteroid: For old times' sake.

Future Auklet and Future Asteroid: *kiss*

Kinkajou: EEEEEE so cute!

Future Cliff: Why am I here?

Brilliance: You'll see.

Turtle: Time's up!

Future Auklet and Future Asteroid: *exit the cave*

Kinkajou: OK! Next up, Auklet and Cliff!

Future Auklet: He's my boyfriend, I don't think we need to be in a random cave to kiss.

Future Cliff: True. *kisses her*

Kinkajou: So! *genuinely curious face* Why'd you kiss Asteroid?

Future Auklet: Because I used to date her? And kind of still do...

Kinkajou: So why was it awkward?

Future Auklet: *blushes* It's... been a long time.

Future Asteroid: Seriously, it'd probably take a year to explain our relationships.

Future Cliff: That's accurate.

Brilliance: We have two minutes left with these guys...

Kinkajou: Ack! One more question: this is anything like the whole Moon-Winter-Qibli thing?

Future Auklet: Oh, trust me, it's a lot more complicated than that...

Brilliance: Thirty minutes is up!

Future Auklet, Future Asteroid and Future Cliff: *disappear*

Kinkajou: ...I must know more.

Brilliance: Maybe another time.

Kinkajou: OK. This is Let's Stalk Ships and I'm Kinkajou, signing off!

A/N I did promise a longer chapter... y'all happy? :)

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