September 11- Let's Stalk Ships Part 4

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Kinkajou: Hallooooo everyone and welcome back to Let's Stalk Ships! Today we will be stalking a new ship: VeChenzi!

Kinkajou: The ship name is a work in progress. Anyhoo we will do that last after some of our old favourites- Brilliwatcher, Qinter and Cleril!

Kinkajou: We'll be doing Brilliwatcher first- I gotta BIIIIIG scoop for y'all.

*in the rainforest*

Brilliance: I'm nervous.

Moon: Don't be! My mom is super nice, I promise.

Kinkajou: *invisible* OK so Moon is introducing Brilliance to Secretkeeper. This should be fun!

Moon: Mom! I'm home!

Secretkeeper: *opens the door of the hut* MOON MY BABY! *hugs Moon ferociously*

Moon: CAN'T... BREATHE...

Secretkeeper: Oops *releases Moon*

Moon: *gasps for air*

Secretkeeper: Well to what do I owe this lovely and unexpected visit from my favourite daughter?

Moon: I'm your only daughter.

Secretkeeper: Same difference. 

Moon: Well I wanted to introduce you to someone... Brilliance?

Brilliance: *comes out from behind a tree and waves nervously*

Secretkeeper: Hi! I'm Secretkeeper, Moon's mom.

Brilliance: Hi! I'm Brilliance, Moon's girlfriend.

Secretkeeper: *long dramatic gasp*

Moon: Mom...

Secretkeeper: Moon you have a girlfriend! Oh this is so exciting! *grabs camera* Say cheese!

Brilliance: Cheese?

Me: *appears* CLAIRE NO.

Me: *disappears*

Moon: ...who's Claire?

Kinkajou: That was guuuuud. Now ONWARD!

*back at JMA*

Kinkajou: Winter and Qibli are studying together today... hehehe...


Qibli: *blinks innocently at him* But I thought you absolutely LOVED learning more about your royal IceWing lineage so that you could be entitled to more HAUGHTY SNIFFING.

Winter: Excuse me?

Qibli: *imitates Winter* I am a prince! *haughty sniff*

Winter: ...I'mma kill you sand-snorter.

Me: *appears again*

Me: *whispers to Qibli* ChenziTheFanWing says to call him a snow-snorter

Me: *disappears*


Winter: *gasps* HOW DARE YOU I AM A PRINCE! *haughty sniff*

Qibli: You did the haughty sniff.

Winter: I did not! *haughty sniff*

Winter: Wait...

Kinkajou: Well that was entertaining! ONWARD!

*at the lake outside of JMA*

Peril: *catches a fish* I GOT ONE!

Clay: Yay! We just need two more. They taste so good when you catch them.

Peril: It's just cause my claws boil the water and the fish get boiled and die and taste good and then you FISH them out! Geddit?

Clay: *laughs* Good one, Peril!

Peril: *beams*

Clay: *kisses her*

Peril: *kisses him back*

Kinkajou: Awww isn't that adorable? ONWARD!

*two hours later*



*in the secret caves below JMA*

Chenzi: Kinkajou will not find us here!

VeCeilia: Thank the moons

Chenzi: *kisses her*

Kinkajou: *barges in* AHA!

VeCeilia: Oh great.

Kinkajou: Well thus ends another episode! This is Let's Stalk Ships and I'm Kinkajou! Till next time!

A/N How was everyone's weekend? I did THREE WHOLE CHAPTERS yesterday, I'm very proud of myself. Have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night!

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