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janet jackson - fit  ⤴

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janet jackson - fit  ⤴

I've been staying with Toni for a couple of weeks now. I definitely wouldn't say we've become friends, but I don't have to practice my sentences as much as I did when I first got here.

My classes aren't too hard, after all, it's just dance. And I've been a natural at that since a kid. I can thank my dad for that.

Outside of my major, my classes haven't been to difficult either. Toni's usually my ride to and from school, so its not rare that I go to the coffee shop with her. And naturally I took after her and do my work there.

We don't sit together anymore. Not unless we're working on our project for public speaking.

I've learned a lot about her, she's a really intresting person. I can admit that I do want to be friends with her, but, she just makes me so nervous.

I remember last week I had to ask if I could borrow some landry soap and I nearly threw up. Counting my fingers wasn't working so well for that situation.

As of now, we were sitting in the living room watching some movie. I'm pretty sure it's a romance. I was shocked that Toni even enjoyed the cheesy plots.

Ciara hated it when I would ask to watch them.

It's been pretty quiet around here, and Toni said that's the way she liked it. I haven't met her other roommates yet, she had mentioned something about not seeing them since she gave them a bag of weed a while back.

Naturaly I was concerned and sort of started to panic, and I didn't even know them.

I looked over at Toni and she was focused on the movie. It wasn't uncommon for me to sneak glances at her. She was really pretty, and didn't look like any of her family.

I should know, I lived in a house with nearly all of them for years.

"Five, four, three, two..." She started counting down and I frowned my eyebrows. She'd been doing that a lot. The moment she said one, my phone started ringing and I looked down at the caller I.D. it was-

"Tell Ciara I said kiss my ass." She smirked before turning the TV up. I gulped and stood from the side couch.

"Excuse me.." I mumbled while walking into my room.

I answered the phone and sure enough Ciara was in the camera smoking. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Hey baby." She cooed at me, making me blush.

"Hi my love. How are you?" I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I'm good, I miss you." She told me, I nodded in agreement and told her I missed her too.

"How's things up there? Toni being mean to you? I know how you sensitive and shit." She asked me while re-sparking her blunt. I bit my lip and started to tap my fingers against my thigh quietly.

I didn't know what to say really, Toni wasn't mean. But she wasn't exactly nice either. I shrugged my shoulder and scratched my head.

"Um—no, she's not—she's not really mean. We don't talk too often but she's okay. I get free rides to and from school." I said, trying to keep things short. I know how Ciara is, and if I even mention how nervous or scared I get around her cousin she'll be ready to fight.

"Mhm, I know you lying but I'ma let it slide. I know you don't want me starting nothing." She chuckled.

"Thank you.."

"Toni been talking shit about us?" She asked, just like she did every time she called. And just like any other time she called I told her no.

"No baby, but she told me to tell you to kiss her ass when you called." I mumbled, looking back at the door.

"Fuck her," She rolled her eyes. We talked for a little more and then hung up. Something about her having a meeting. I heard some voice in the back but I didn't question it. Cee wouldn't like that.

I left out my room, and left my phone there, I didn't want to bother Toni with anymore with calls.

When I walked back into the living she was still watching the movie. I was kind of sad she didn't pause it, but I guess that'd be selfish of me. Ciara and I were on the phone for a pretty long time.

"You didn't miss much. They just admitted feelings." She said, never looking away from the TV.

"Oh—th—okay." I stuttered. I do that a lot. I can tell it annoys her, she always gives this look. I try to stop but I can't help it most times. My words just get jumbled up and I over think what I'm going to say.

"Mhm," She hummed before turning the TV down a bit. We watched it for a little while longer before I wanted to ask a question. I'd actually wanted to ask a while ago but I could never find the right time.

Well—I don't think now is the right tjme either but I can't wait any longer. I've already worn all my clothes a few times and I need more, the stuff I have isn't really built for this weather.

I cleared my throat and looked towards Toni, she was still watching the movie. I started to count my fingers a bit just to calm myself down before I spoke.

"Um.. T—Toni?" I murmured, trying to sound as confident as possible.

"What?" She answered, pausing the movie. It made me smile a bit, because now I didn't have to try to be so loud. My voice was naturally soft spoke.

"I—I, uh I have to go shopping.." I struggled. I don't know why I was telling her that when I know she doesn't care.

"Okay? Is that your way of asking me to use my car?" She scoffed in amusement, ready to play the movie again. I quickly shook my head and said no, I don't want her to think I'm using her.

"Wha—no! I just, I don't really know my way around and—I wanted to know if you'd come with me... " I rushed out as she stared at me with raised eyebrows.

She sighed and turned the TV off then sat up.

"We'd have to go now, I got a class later." She said. I smiled a bit harder and watched her stand up.

"Really?!" I asked. I sounded too excited and immediately calmed myself.

"Ain't that what i said? Get your shoes." She told me. I nodded and got up too.

Thank God she didn't say no.

So I lied. Vote and comment pls.

Ian gon' threaten y'all bc that's mad weird now. 😭

1119 words. 

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