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Aye why my comments going down? </3 && who in VA? 

Aye why my comments going down? </3 && who in VA? 

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toni braxton — fit. ⤴

Ciara had me so messed up. I was on my way to class when I get a call from an old friend who starts cussing me out. Now, naturally I hung up because she  must've had me messed up too. But, when she called back and spoke with the sense her granny taught her, I was pissed. 

Apparently Ciara went over to Tati's little sister's house and slept with her. Which wasn't really my business but it became my business when I find out that she took my Aunt M's wedding ring and gave it to her as a promise gift. First of all, how'd she even get it out of my room? That ring has been hidden in my closet for years. 

My skin was so hot, I could barely breathe. When I seen her walk into the living room with a smile on her face I promise I nearly through my flower vase at her. That was a smart idea of mine to have one by the front door. 

"What's up, Toni. I actually wanted to talk to you--" She began, but I didn't even get to hear the rest before I was charging towards her and punching her dead in her mouth. She fell back and I heard Janet gasp. She better move before she becomes collateral.

"You stole my ring?!" I shouted at her, gripping her by her dirty t-shirt. Her eyes widened with fear when I started dragging her over to the couch. Janet was shouting at me to stop but she was about to be next with her teary-eyed ass. 

I'm sorry, Jesus. 

"W-wait?! H-No!" She stuttered, her lip was bleeding and she was trying to hold it but I kept moving her hand. 

"No, you stupid ass bitch! Yes you did! Y'know how I know you're a liar? Because why did Tatiana see her little sister wearing it around the house boasting about how much you two are in love?!" I screamed, slapping her. She groaned and tried to hit me back but all of a sudden another hand punched her before I could. 

"You cheated on me out here too?!" Janet screamed before hitting her again. I can't lie, I laughed. Her scream was cute. I let go of the collar on Cee's shirt and stepped back. Janet was handling my light work. I didn't feel like getting new carpets so before Janet beat her to a bloody pulp I pulled her back. She was crying real hard now. 

"Ciara get out my house before I kill you, dude. Like I'm so serious." I threatened. That was a fun sight to see but I hadn't forgotten about her stealing my Aunt's gift to me.  

"Yeah, get the fuck out!" Janet co-signed. This was my house but that's fine since I already told her to leave. 

"T-Toni, I planned on getting it back!" She pleaded. I rolled my eyes and refrained from smacking her again. 

"I plan on punching you if you don't get out my house." I scoffed, I wasn't even mad anymore. The ring was back in it's box and in my pocket but she still had me bent. Janet was off crying somewhere but I'd ask about that later. 

"S-So you're gon' kick me out but like my ex stay here?!" She whined, standing up and holding her leaking mouth. 

"Did she steal from me or was that your monkey ass?" I fumed. She huffed before storming out the house. I don't know where she's going without all her stuff but that's not my business. Then again, I gave most of it away and used one of her shirts to wipe up spilled water in the kitchen. It was ugly anyway. 

After I calmed down completely, I cleaned up the living room since I'd messed up my rug and stuff. Thank god my couch wasn't stained in the process. Janet was still crying so I played an online game of rock, paper, scissors to see if I should go check on her. 

I lost, so I guess that meant I had to go do it. I took a deep breath and knocked on her door just to walk right in. She was under the covers again playing what I already knew was her "crying hard af" playlist. She sniffled and I snatched the cover off her head. 

She looked up from her phone and glared at me. 

"What do you want?!" She barked. 

"Oh, girl be calm." I hushed her. She rolled her eyes and tried to grab her blanket again but I moved it again because she is not that girl. 

"Fuck you, Toni." She spat. 

"If you'd like we can try that but first what's wrong with you?" I asked, sitting down. We could argue later on today, but it looked like she was crying herself sick again so I had to suck it up and be a good psychology student. In fact, Janet reminds me a lot of my fake client. Not sure if that's too good or not. 

"N-nothing. I-It doesn't matter because you're just going to tell me to suck it up and shut up." She hiccupped. I sucked my teeth because she really can get popped in her mouth right along with her girlfriend. 

"Janet please tell me what's wrong with you before you get smacked." I groaned. 

"S-she cheated on me again! I knew she was but--but I didn't think she'd do it here! I know I should be used to it, and over her and everything else but it still hurts because I still love her!" She vented through her cries. 

Yeah, you're a dummy. I thought to myself. But instead of saying that I just pulled her into a hug and rocked us both side to side. In our recent classes our professor was teaching us about coping mechanisms that don't involve words. So boom, I'm putting it to use because I'm not paying for those classes to not pay attention. 

After about an hour of Janet literally crying into my chest about how her relationship with Ciara is over for good and she doesn't know how to function outside of a relationship she fell asleep in my arms. 

I tried to get up a bunch of times but it just didn't work. Every time I attempted to slip out her arms she'd grip me tighter. So eventually I just quit and laid down too. I didn't go to sleep, I just sat there and thought about everything that's happened in the last few months. And where the hell were my roommates? 

Alright, that's enough cursing for me. 



fuck u hoes bc y'all don't comment so I quit. (not the 5 of y'all that do.)  

1178 words. 

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