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Y'all did it, good job.

Y'all did it, good job

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janet jackson - fit ⤴

Toni, wasn't mad anymore? I say that as a question because it was hard to distinguish between an attitude and her everyday persona. I stared down into my lap, keeping my eye contact to a minimum. Usually I'd find some weird comfort in staring at Toni but now every time I looked at her she was already looking at me. Her gaze made me feel weird, my body would shift awkwardly and that was embarrassing. 

Sitting in the front seat, I felt like a little kid. It was something that often happened whenever I'd embarrass myself around someone. I still had no clue where we were going and I'm not from here so I was really clueless as to where we could be headed. I looked out the window and noticed Toni pulling into some plaza. I saw this frozen yogurt place and immeditely got excited. 

"Hey Toni, can we go in there!?" I squealed pointing towards the yogurt place. Her head followed my finger and she chided. 

"That's actually where we're going anyway. Good to know you like frozen yogurt." She told me. I did an internal happy dance because I've never had it before. 

"I've always wanted to try it. C-" I cut myself off because I was about to tell her how Ciara always told me it was nasty so she never took me in there but I remembered how much she hated when I brought her up. Toni looked over at me while parking in the lot and frowned her eyebrows. 

"What where you about to say?" She asked, I quickly clamped my mouth shut and shook my head. Shrugging, she unlocked the door and got out. I did the same and we walked into the building called Frog Hoopla. There was a cute little Tree Frog smiling and holding a cup of yogurt as the logo. 

I want a frog now. 

"No pets allowed in the house." Toni told me as I followed her to the cash register. I frowned and looked at her confusingly. How'd she know?

"I could tell by the way you were pouting at the logo that you wanted one. Plus, you seem like the type to want an amphibian." She shrugged, I just rolled my eyes because she was right. Toni got us both yogurt cups and handed me one. I would've payed for my own, I know I'm not paying rent right now but I'm not broke. 

The place was self serve so there was a bunch of frozen yogurt machines with different flavors and a toppings section. I was a plain Jane so I only got Chocolate and a little bit of vanilla. And for toppings I got Carmel drizzle and some smashed Twix on top of it. 

I didn't expect Toni to get so many different flavors. Like mint chocolate, cotton candy, and a bunch of other weird combinations. But I wasn't one to judge. 

Not out loud anyway. We sat down in a little booth by the window and starting eating. It was actually really good. I couldn't help but make a weird face as I watched Toni mix all her flavors together. For the first time I heard her do a little laugh as she looked up from her bowl. 

"What, you want some?" She chuckled. My face twisted even more and I shook my head super hard. 

"No--that looks really nasty. No offense." I huffed, turning my head away as she held her spoon closer to my face. She rolled her eyes and brought her spoon even closer. 

"C'mon, try it Jan." She taunted, moving the spoon in an airplane motion. If it didn't look so nasty that more than likely would've made me eat it if the nickname didn't.

"Ew, no." I cringed, still moving my head away. I started to laugh because she started to laugh and eventually she got me to try it. There was so many different flavors in my mouth at once that I didn't know what to do. But, surprisingly it wasn't the worst thing I've ever tasted in life. I let the yogurt melt in my mouth before swallowing it and allowing my taste buds to enjoy the after taste. 

"Oh, that's.. n-not horrible?" I thought aloud, and again Toni rolled her eyes. 

"I told you it's good. Always judging something." She joked, and then I rolled my eyes. 

I am not. 

"Oh, not you rolling your eyes at me." She gasped while taking another scoop for herself.

"Not you gettin' on my nerves." I joked. We've never acted like this before but I guess it came with my new title of friend. 

"Mhm, keep on and I'll make your eyes roll something serious." She mumbled, staring me down while pulling the spoon out of her mouth slowly. The action made me shiver and I broke eye-contact so quickly. I heard Toni laugh again before changing the subject. She knew what she was doing and I didn't really know how to feel about that. 

After that, we just talked and laughed some more. It was really fun and I didn't notice how funny Toni actually was, outside of her unique insults that was. If I didn't know better, I'd say it sort of felt like a date. I've never really been on one because Ciara always told me they were childish. But, if I were to go on one, I'd want it to feel like today. 

Toni ended up getting more frozen yogurt to go because she claimed it was too good to only have a little and we got back in the car. I wanted to do a little more shopping before I needed new Doc Martin boots for a few outfits I got. I was too nervous to ask though so I figured I could get them online. 

We were almost home when I started to get hot. It was weird since the air condition was on and the windows were done. I fanned myself with my hand. I started to panic when I got short of breath. It was a strange feeling. Almost like my throat was closing up. I didn't want to make too much of a scene since the last time I was in Toni's car I ruined it with my throw up. I tried to just cough until the feeling went away but I think that made it worst. 

Was my throat closing up?

Everything happened so fast because one moment I could breathe and the next I couldn't. I started gasping for air and things started to get fuzzy, I felt like I was looking in some weird trip thing that you'd see on YouTube. I felt the car stop and Toni started to pat my back. I was holding my throat like that would somehow open my airway back up but it didn't. 

"Janet, Janet, are you okay what's wrong?!" I heard Toni scream at me, and that was the literal last thing I remember hearing. 

Next thing I know, I'm being woken up by some woman in a white doctor's coat. She was tapping my shoulder and saying my name. I groaned and closed my eyes back, hospital lights are always so bright.

"Hey, Janet. It's nice to have you back with us." She joked while helping me sit up.

"W-what happened?" I asked, at least I could breathe again. I looked towards the corner of the room and saw Toni staring at me with wide eyes. Had she been crying? 

"You had an allergic reaction." The doctor told me. 


This would've been out way earlier but I had to help my friend eat up these three old ass bitches. 

Until our next deal!

1283 words. 

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