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Briann Patterson-Banks|Mook.

"I'm big as fuck bro." I huffed looking in the mirror. I was officially 8 1/2 months and over it all. "I'm not getting pregnant again."

I was expecting my babies any day now.

"Yes the fuck you are." Von said popping up and making me jump. "You having my kids til you not fertile no more g."

"Bro look at me." I said getting ready to cry, I was over these damn hormones too. "I'm ready to pop."

"Don't start that shit Mook." He said laughing while he was looking at me.

"That's why you gotta wear that cast for a whole year asshole." I snapped. "Crippled ass nigga."

During the mission after the repast he ended up getting shot and that resulted in him having to wear a cast on his leg for a whole year.

"Don't be mad at me cause you on that hormonal crybaby shit g." He said limping his lanky ass out the room.

"I hate it here." I said going over to pick up my phone that was ringing.

"Hey bestfriend." Kirah yelled through the phone.

"Hey Gigi." Both of my God babies said.

"I miss y'all." I said clicking the FaceTime button on the keypad waiting on her to answer.

"I don't know why you ain't just FaceTime me anyway, we don't never regular call each other."

"Girl." She said. "What you doing?"

"Waiting on these damn babies to come." I said. "I ain't get this far with Journ and Jaylee' my doctor said basically I need to sit my ass down cause they can come any second now."

"I can come over when the babies born?" Loyal said popping in the camera.

"You know you can." I said laughing.

"Me too Gi." My God daughter said from the background.

"India calling me I'm finna add her to the call." I said.


"I miss y'all." India said soon as she connected. "Real bad."

"We ain't seen each other in months that shit crazy as hell." Kirah said.

"Shit just been too hot." I said honestly. "I do miss y'all though, girls night this weekend?"

"You know it bitch." India said. "I'm finna send it in the group chat."

"Hey t." Willow said putting her face in the camera.

"Hey auntie Briann." Big Sky said popping her head in too.

"Hi my Willow Pillow I miss you so much tt." I said cause Willow was really my mini. "Hey Sky! I miss you too, why y'all haven't called me for the twins like y'all usually do?"

"I miss you too Auntie Bri and cause my phone broke." Skylar said. "You seen our brother?"

"No I ain't see him t." I said smacking my lips cause Durk and India ain't let nobody see him yet.

"Right let us see our nephew b word." Kirah said not wanting to cuss infront of the kids.

"Right you and Durk been keeping his face a secret for 2 months now." I said mugging her.

"Be fucking forreal."

"Alright damn." She said flipping the camera.

"Meet baby Giovanni B."

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