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2 years later- last time jump for a while, welcome to the final part aka part 3.

Journee Leilani Bennett|Journ/Nene

"TWIN it's our birthday." I said jumping on Jaylee's bed waking her up. "2 more years til  we 18 and in college."

"October 5th the realists niggas was born."

"Girl get off of me are you slow?" She said rubbing her eyes. "You heavy asl g move."

"Bit- you know what I'm gone ignore that cause I did wake you up." I said rolling off her.

"But get out this sour mood bookie. I ain't did nothing to ya."

"Sorry sis." She said. "Eli pissed me off last night so yk how that go."

"Here we go again." I said rolling my eyes. "I don't know why you won't just drop that nigga."

I was a firm believer if that you picked the wrong friend, pick again. These niggas do that all the time with no issue.

"Happy birthday my babies." My mama said coming in our room making us stop our conversation.

"Thank you ma." We said in unison.

"Y'all 16 now." She said and we knew she was about to cry. "I'm old as fuck."

"Mook don't start that shit g." My daddy said coming in our room with gifts.

"Presents?" Jaylee' said. "I love being 16 already."

"Right." I said.

"Y'all going to school today?" My mama asked us and I shook my head yeah.

She always gave us the option to miss school or not on our birthday but since it was Friday and we had to invite more people to our party, we were going.

"We matching or coordinating?" Jaylee' asked me.

"16 and my babies still match g." My daddy said making us laugh. "Don't ever grow up."

"We ain't gotta match since our outfits the same later." I said and she nodded.


"Bro Amir." I said to my 15 year old brother.

"Stop playing and take our pictures right." Jay said.

"Just cause it's y'all birthday don't mean you bitches finna double team me." He said making me flip him off.

"Leilani!" I heard my mama yell making me roll my eyes.

She always catch me but just never seem to hear Amir, bullshit.

"Hurry up my feet starting to hurt and we do gotta go to school." Jay said.

"Okay come on." I said posing as Amir snapped pictures.

"Okay here ugly." He said handing me my phone and going back to the house cause he was staying home today.

"Let me see." Jaylee' said. "Cause you good for posting the ones you look cute in."

"Girl they all cute shut up." I said picking the picture to post.

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