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Briann Patterson-Banks|Mook


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"DAYVON." I said cutting my eyes at him while he kept poking me.

"Are you bored? Why are you being irritating? Don't you got a show to get ready for?"

"Don't you gotta get ready for the same show I'm getting ready for?" He replied and I smacked my lips cause who answer somebody question with a question?

"I should've shared a room with Kayla" I mumbled looking through my bag for an outfit to wear.

"How was we gone fuck then?" He said making me look back at him.

"Who said we was fucking Dayvon?" I mumbled seeing my phone flashed, I picked it up cause it was Durk.

"Yeah doodie." I said answering the phone.

"G.. I said stop callin' me that. I'm real tired of yo ass Mook"

"Bitch we siblings we stuck together for life unless you got another sister is that the case????" I said knowing it was gone make him feel bad.

"You know you my one & only sister Mook on Nuski don't play like dat"

"I know I just like making you feel bad but wassup?"

"I was callin' to let you and Von big head ass know we got an hour to load the bus so start getting ready now." He said and I told him okay before hanging up the phone.

"I gotta get in the shower can you wait on me so we can walk down together?" I asked Von and he nodded waving me off.

"Bitch" I mumbled and I felt a lighter hit me in the back of my head.

"Watch yo mouth goofy."

I went in the bathroom to take a quick shower and I decided to do a slight beat on my face since this was the first concert and I wanted to look cute.

"Briann g hurry up we got 30 minutes to get downstairs and on the bus" Von said from outside of the door.

"Okay I'm coming damn." I said examining myself in the mirror making sure I was together and presentable.

"Stop looking at me and come on weirdo."

"I'm fucking you when we get back." He said bluntly and I followed him outside the room to the elevator.

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