*Who Is He?*

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Y/n pov

"Finally, i am here again." I said excitedly as i entered the university campus and take a deep breath before looking around. A smile crept on my lips while my eyes roam around the whole place around me. Even though this place give's me the most pain but still I gotta admit that i missed this place so freaking much. Specially my best friend Lin.

" The wheather is completely amazing today. I hope today will be a great day." I said with a hopeful smile and make my way towards the university building.

I am so excited to meet my best friend since i haven't seen her for long time

Author's pov

While she was walking, her eyes sometimes towards the other students who were entering the university as well and some were standing in the side gossiping. So it was pretty crowded like normal day's.
But suddenly the whole campus become silent. Awkwardness fill in the whole place as she stop walking. Everyone turn their gaze at her while some of them has their eyes widen.


"Wh-what hap-". She said but cut off by some girls

Girl 1: OMG LOOK!!! our university's popular celebrity is already here!!!.

A girl shouted out with her lungs out while pointing her index finger at y/n. Her eyes widen in shock while she look around at everyone's expression which was now turned into an assume one. But before she could process anything in her head, a soft gasp left from her mouth when everyone started to run towards her like a hungry wolf.

"WHAT THE HELL!!, Are they all drunk today??!!". She thought

"Look you guys must have misundersto-Aigo.... EOMMA HELP ME!!". She screamed and quickly close her eyes in fear when they were about to jump on her.

She don't know what is happening, she was ready to get smashed by the people.
After few seconds, she slowly opened her eyes as she feel nothing but some pushes on her shoulder.

"Wh-what?" She said
She saw no one around her. So basically everyone just run passed by her.

"Seriously??!!!". She thought with confusion written on her face, she turn around only find the students gathering around someone while pushing each other violently to approach that person.

"Gosh, they scared me..." She said and let out a sigh in relief knowing that she is still the old unpopular y/n on this university.
But, her eyes wondered towards the crowd again and this time curiosity got the best of her.

"By the way, who is this special person whom everyone gathering around." She whispered out the question and standing on her heels trying to see something. And ofcourse she doesn't saw anything from this distance bruhhhh.

"Well, i should check what's happening there.... I am curious~". She said to herself and was about to went towards the crowd. But before she can step any further, someone pulled her from behind and turn she around before hugging her tightly

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