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In Dressing Room--------------------------------------

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In Dressing Room

Lin: Y/n..... please. It's your wedding day y/n. You are suppose to smile instead of crying... look you are ruining your makeup silly.
–She said wipping away another drop of tear which just left from y/n's eyes.

Y/n: How am i suppose to smile when i feel like my life is crashing into million peices.
–She said sniffing softly

Y/n: You know how i imagined my life.....i wanted to be with someone whom i love. But this forced marriage that my parents arranged just ru-
–She again broke down in tears.

Lin: You are the one who choosed this marriage. Your parents already offered you that your dad will leave the job if you don't want to marry. But, you said you are okay with this marriage. I know...you did this for your parents. That's why I am saying you to smile because you have shown them their hard work worth it. You are the best daughter anyone could ever ask for. Also Jaehyuk loves you alot y/n.... Well i know he forced you all the time but I can feel the fear inside him to lose you since you never showed any type of interest to him. Y/n..... from the day he confessed to you...he always protected you, cared for you with his all.

Lin: You still hate him.....?
–Y/n lift her head and look at Lin who was staring at her with her frowned eyebrows.

Y/n: No.....I don't hate him. I do like him but not in that way. You know i always liked those guys who are kind to others, helpful and have all this good traits on them. But he is totally opposite of that.

Lin let out a sigh.

Lin: So what....? If he is a bad person... you can change him y/n. You can make him a good person that you always wanted.
–Hearing her, Y/n let out a scoff.

Y/n: I can't Lin.....and also i can't love him because i will always remember how he forced me into this marriage.
–This time Lin let out a sigh giving up.

Lin: Do whatever you want y/n. But atleast don't cry on this day. Just smile like the way you smile at University's graduation day. Your parents will be happy to see. Also today won't come back again. So you shouldn't cry since we don't know what will be happen in future. Who's knows maybe one day you will regret for being unhappy this day.

[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now