*Their Sweet Moments*

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Y/n silently entered the kitchen while her eyes keep wondering around the house

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Y/n silently entered the kitchen while her eyes keep wondering around the house.

This house is one the Jaehyuk's favourite house. That's why he chooses this house for both of them to live together and have a cute family. She is not gonna deny the fact that he have a great taste in everything. She stopped her movement when she see a well built figure which didn't take a second for her to recognise. Taking a deep breath, she clear her throat caughting his attention.

Jaehyuk: Breakfast is almost ready baby. You should better take a seat.
–He said turning a little towards her and give her a smile. But she didn't move an inch. Instead of going towards the seat, she went to him and peek from beside to see what was he making.

Y/n: Why are you cooking by your own? Don't you have maids?
–She asked without thinking while he just shrugg his shoulder.

Jaehyuk: I do have maids but i don't prefer them to make my food. I always cook by myself or my mom cooks for me. Otherwise I don't eat in home.

Y/n nod while humming.

Jaehyuk: Well you don't need to worry about cooking cause i love to cook, wifey~.
–He said smiling playfully at her.

Y/n: Yah!!! I also don't hate cooking. I used to cook for myself since I lived alone.
–She said with a upset pout while he just let out a chuckle.

Y/n: Whatever, even though it was a forced marriage and I didn't accept myself as your wife but I should do my duty. So from now on I will cook. You go and sit.
–She said but he didn't move.

Jaehyuk: First of all, I don't care if you accepted yourself as my wife or not because you are officially mine now and i will never give you divorce...just remember that. Secondly yesterday was a busy day for you. So you better take rest.

Y/n: You also should take rest cause yesterday I wasn't the only one who was tired. And also I have enough energy to run in Olympic. So i can do it.
–Hearing her jaehyuk finally stopped and turn towards her.

Jaehyuk: So you have that much energy to run in a olympic huh?
–He asked in another tone while his gaze slowly started to change.

Y/n: I-I......
–She gulp seeing his dark expression out of sudden. But, her heart dropped when he start walking towards her while she quickly step back without her consciousness.

Jaehyuk: Since my baby is this much energetic.....
–A gasp left from her mouth when he suddenly grab her waist pulling her closer while both of their bodies crashed against each other.

Jaehyuk: Why don't we do something else instead of cooking then hmmm...?
–He whisper in her ear with a slight smirk before back away a little but still holding her by her waist.

Y/n: W-what!!!.....
–She looked at him with her widen eyes but quickly lower her gaze when she found him staring into her soul without blinking for once.
Fear started to crawl into her mind and her face started to heat up along with her body. But she narrow her eyebrows and again lift her gaze when she heard a small laugh from him.

Jaehyuk: Do you know how much you look cute when you get scared....?
–He said teasing her and pecked her lips before moving away.

Jaehyuk: I was just joking baby. No need to be worry. But if you want we still have time to turn this joke into reality.
–He winked at her before going back to cooking.

Y/n cupped her red cheeks before letting out a deep sigh.

Y/n: Aish y/n....calm down. He was just joking. You are safe.
–She whisper to herself before walking towards the seats.

Y/n: So you are joining your company from today?
–She asked after eating the last bite.

Jaehyuk: Yes i have to. Even though we just got married yesterday and should spend the whole day together..... But, I can't since dad have to leave for abroad for an urgent work.

Y/n: Oh...
–She nod understanding the situation and look at her empty plate while some thoughts crossed her mind.

Y/n thoughts: *I don't want to stay alone in this big house. I also want to do a job since it has always been one of my dream to earn by myself. But....will he give me permission to go out for a job?*
–She asked to herself and look at Jaehyuk who was eating his breakfast peacefully.

Y/n: Jaehyuk....

Jaehyuk: Yeah...?
–He replied instantly looking at her.

Y/n: I always wanted to earn by myself-

Jaehyuk: I know.
–He cut her off and gulp down the last bite before speaking again.

Jaehyuk: You will join as my personal secretary in my company after taking rest for few days.

Y/n: REALLY?!!!!.....
–She shout out with a smile as she stand up from the seat making Jaehyuk flinched a little bit.

Y/n: Am I seriously joining your company?

Jaehyuk: Yes you are. No doubt.
–He said with a confused face while
y/n smile widely showing her teeths.

Y/n: Can I join your company from today with you...? Please Please Please...!
–She said with excitement while Jaehyuk can't help but let out a laugh.

Jaehyuk: Not a bad idea. I am ok with you joining today if you aren't tired or need some time.
–He said smiling as her heart lights up with joy.

Even though she hate this marriage and don't know if it will last long but she can't be more glad that at least he doesn't crashed her dreams. She was happy that she can do what she always wanted to do.

Y/n: Thank you so much Jaehyuk!
–She said smiling at him while he smile back.

To be continued...


🎊Happy Lunar New Year 🎊

"I hope this year brings a lot of joy and happiness in your life☺️"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Have a great day/night😘.




[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now