*Hiding From Him*

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"Seriously?! What you have done y/n?!" Lin yelled for the 3rd time and slap her forehead while Soyeon trying to calm her down.

She hide her face in her plam and let out a numb scream audible enough for Lin and Soyeon to hear.

"Why....?! Why him?! Among all the boys why him?!." Y/n slap her own cheeks while fake crying.

"You guys should have warned me before i-" Y/n was saying but cut off by Lin.

"Warn you!! B*tch, i already told you about him on that morning." Lin said glaring at her.

"But you didn't told me that he is most popular bad boy of this university." Y/n said

"I wanted to tell you but you were the one who cut me off and didn't let say it." Lin said defenceing herself.

"Really?! I didn't cut you off-" Y/n said

"You did!! Now don't behave like you don't remember it." Lin said and rolled her eyes.

"Yah!!..most importantly i didn't knew that Bart was Yoon Jaehyuk.... The most dangerous guy of this university." Y/n slammed her hands on the table as she yelled those words.

"Aish....can you guys calm down!! Everyone is starting at us!!" Soyeon whisper to them felling embarrassed.

Hearing her whisper shout y/n's gaze slightly went around and in a second her cheeks become slightly red as she find herself in the centre of attention.

Author's pov

[Most of y/n's are introvert here am i right or not?😂]

Author's pov end

Y/n let out a fake cough before speaking.

"*Cough* so guys....instead of getting angry let's talk calmly about it." Y/n said

"Yeah sure." Lin said and rolled her eyes.

"Now, tell me what should I do." Y/n said

"We don't know. He aren't known as bad boy for reason." Lin said crossing her arms infront of her chest.

"Well few months ago when he newly came into this university, so many people's go against him cause he breaks the rules which was created by our so called dangerous seniors. And guess what...all of them got T.C when they tried to warn him. We don't know how..... Even he once beat Felix so badly in the university's garden and broke his so many bones." Lin said

"FELIX!!! THAT MAFIA'S SON??!!!" Y/n said utter in shock. Lin nodded in response

"He even kicked out our fashion Diva Lia from this university when she tried to embarrassed him infront of everyone after he reject her confession." Lin said

"Aigo.... that's why I didn't saw her flexing her beauty infront of others from this morning." Y/n said

"Yes.... Well i heard that he is the son of one of the most powerful businessman Mr.Yoon. However there are so many incidents left which he make it happened right after he came here. And there you go.... YOU JUST FREAKING SLAPPED HIM!!!" Lin said

"Yah!!, Stop blaming me... He was bullying and humiliating Soyeon. That's why i did that...." Y/n said pouting sadly and look down playing with her fingers nervously.

[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now