*Kiss Her Forcefully*

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。⁠:゚After few days♪゚⁠:⁠。

~At y/n's apartment~

Y/n slowly open her eyes and slightly flinched by sudden ringing on her phone which wakes her up from her small nap

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Y/n slowly open her eyes and slightly flinched by sudden ringing on her phone which wakes her up from her small nap.

"Aish....I again fall asleep reading this book." She mumbled under her breathe and let out a sigh before picking up her phone from table. Confusion get visible on her face when she saw an unknown number calling her. Her eyes widen when she notice that there is 5 missed calls from this same number. Without wasting time,she quickly receive the upcoming call.

On call📞

Y/n📱: Hello?

???📱: Yah! I have been calling you and ringing bell for fucking 10 minute's! Why aren't you opening the door?

That voice almost yelled making her flinch.

Y/n📱: Umm.... firstly who are you?

She asked as she was confused but she frown her eyebrows when she heard a chuckle from other side.

???📱: You didn't recognise my voice....so sad. Look like i need to give you a punishment to make you remember about me.

"Wait.... this voice is so familiar...." Y/n thought.


She almost shout out as her jaw dropped. Another chuckle hit her ear from other side.

???📱: Yes, you got it right babygirl. Your precious badboy is here~.

He said seductively while she quickly get up from the couch and rushed towards the window to see outside of her apartment.

"OMG that familiar expensive black car.....it's really him! But how?! My university have my parents address not mine. Also no one knows i live here expect Lin and Soyeon. I don't think so they opened up" She thought.

Y/n📱: Wait! How did you get my number?! How do you know my address?! Most importantly.....WHY ARE YOU HERE?!

She shower him with questions only to hear a groan from the other side.

[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now