*Hate At First Sight*

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🍂Time skip🍂

Y/n was running through the empty hall almost breath out.

"Ugh... I shouldn't have to gone the café with Lin. Now see, i am late for my second class." She said under her breath while panting.

Opening the door silently after panting hard she entered the class room. But a sad pout formed on her lips as she saw the teacher already started the lessons.
Her eyes slowly wonder through the students trying to find a empty seat as she sneakily enter the class.

She was trying her best not to disturb the teacher or interrupt the class by any sound.
A small smile crept on her lips as she finally spotted a empty seat. Without wasting her time she made her way towards that seat.
She stood infront of that empty desk, but frown her eyebrows as she saw a bag placed on that empty seat. She saw beside only find a guy who is drawing something in his notebook while listening to something through his headphones completely ignoring the class.
She tapped on his desk for caughting his attention and it's works. Pulling out of his one earphone he turn his gaze at her making her freeze in herr place.

"OMG......My heart!!! He is so handsome!!" She mentally screamed

She gulp and started at him completely forgetting about everything. Same goes to him. His eyes slightly widen as he complete shocked to see her.

"Isn't she is the same unknown girl whom i see today morning from the crowd?" Jaehyuk thought

"Ummm.... E-excuse me C-can you please slide your bag a little so that I can sit. " She asked hesitantly.

He frown his one eyebrow after hearing her before saying" You want to sit here?"

Y/n nodded her head with a nervous smile

"And why?" He asked

Y/n look around before replying him.
"There is no empty seat left in last and middle row expect this one so, please move your bag side so that I can sit here."

She said as she look at him with her pleading eyes. He make a boring face and was about to reject her but suddenly something evil bumped into his head and a smirk form on his lips.

"Since u are requesting to me so much. I will let you sit." Jaehyuk said as he slide his bag and smile devilishly which seems genuine to

She smiled back and slightly bow at him as she really thankful to him. She was about to sit but stop her moments....
Whe she saw him suddenly pulling out his chewed gum. He stick it to the seat infront of her before smile at her again.

" Now this seat is perfect for u to sit". Jaehyuk said while smirking

"You-! HOW DARE YOU!!!." Y/n shouted at him and stared at him in disbelief caughting everyone's attention. But he just rolled his eyes and shrugg of his shoulder pretending like nothing happened

"Is he even real??!!! How could he do this??????!!!!!!!" She thought in her mind

Y/n open her mouth to shout at him again but interrupted by her teacher making her flinch including the class.


Everyone's jawed drop including y/n & jaehyuk after hearing him
At first he didn't realise but after few seconds his eyes also widened. As he gulped before fake coughing.

"W-why you all staring at y-your teacher like this?!!. I said duck not fuck okk!!! Aish kids are in these days are so nasty...." He said trying to regain his confidence and glare at everyone before his gaze fall on y/n.

"And you!! MS KIM Y/N! why are you standing in the middle of class and shouting like a maniac." The teacher said

She blink her eyes trying to process everything.

"Woah!! He still remembered my name!!" She thought

"Sir actually-". Y/n said but cut off by jaehyuk

"Sir let me explain." Jaehyuk said while y/n frown her eyebrows

"Well i have a complain sir. She is the one of my fan-girl and popped out of nowhere in the middle of class and keep disturbing me to let her sit beside me." Jaehyuk said making innocent face while y/n's eyes widened after hearing him.

"Sir he is li-." Y/n were cut off again but this time by teacher.

"Seriously, y/n what's with that behaviour." The teacher shouted at u angrily.

"Sir he is a lia-". She cut off again

"Behave yourself kim y/n. Gosh!! What i am gonna do with you??!! ." Teacher said and let out a sigh

While y/n took a deep breath trying to calm down herself.

"Sir can you please let me talk for a sec-." She said and once again cut off

"Enough of this! You have already wasted alot of my time. Now go and sit in the first row beside Hana." Teacher said

She look towards the first row and shook her head. From the school time, she always hated the first row because in first row there is no privacy and have to be under teacher's gaze.

"But sir-". She said

"I SAID NOW!!!". Teacher said strictly

With that he get back to his work not giving her any chance to let her explain.

She stomped her feet on floor. Everyone was already whispering about her but she didn't care. She look at jaehyuk only find him staring at her while giving her a charming smirk. While she give him a glare.

"You, I HATE YOU!!!." Y/n said it on his face and started to walk towards her seat while jaehyuk let out a chuckle.

"Cute~". Jaehyuk whisper while staring at her back.

To Be Continued...


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