*Protect Her*

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After few days ~

"And guess what! I screamed when he suddenly came closer to me!" Lin said with excitement as she cupped her red cheeks.

"OMO!! That was so cute...!" Soyeon said

"Also hilarious." Y/n said and start laughing while Lin and Soyeon also laughed with her.

She was gossiping with her group while waiting for the teacher to come. The whole room was so crowded and loud until the door open suddenly caughting everyone's attention. Most of the girls screamed while y/n just rolled her eyes.

"Woah look y/n, your prince is already here." Lin said as she nudged y/n with her elbow while Soyeon looked at her with a playful smile.

"When the fck he became my prince huh?! He is a bart. Gosh...my mood are all ruined!" Y/n said and let out a frustrated sigh before looking around. But, then accidentally make eye contact with jaehyuk. He stared at her for someone movements before he wink at her and smirk. Y/n quickly look away and open her book to distract herself.

"Why do i have to endure his torture everyday?! I hate to see him." Y/n mumbled under her breathe getting annoyed by his presence.

From that day when he confessed, he didn't let her breathe properly. He will always be roaming around her, try to hit on her whenever he get chance and threating all the boys around campus, if they try to be close with her. He has already given her all the hints that he is seriously obsessed with her. She can help but to ignore him more since she still scared. Not only y/n but the whole campus scared to say a word against him. But she is also angry at him. Because of him most of the students ignored her. That's why she didn't even get to make any new friends :(

While y/n were acting like she aren't giving attention to him, she was keeping her stare on him from the corner of her eyes. With his whole group of friends, he walked towards the most nearest seat of her's where a boy was listening to something silently on his phone.

"Get off from this seat. I will sit here." Jaehyuk said holding that boy's collar, push him away and sit there staring at her from not so far from her.

Y/n clinched her fist as she see the poor boy silently walk away after getting kicking out of his own seat. But what can she do after all that jaehyuk guy is a dengerous guy. No one would like to mess with him.

"Gosh.....he is to much!" Y/n mumble

∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°Time skip∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°

Y/n was walking towards the library while whistling softly. Her mind was full of chaos even though she look calm from outside also she aren't feeling that much good today. Her body was slightly weak from other day's for some unknown reasons. All she wish now is to complete the university quickly go back home. So she can rest. While she was walking, suddenly two persons stand on her way blocking her from going. She looked at them and immediately clinched her fist while her expression turned into cold one.

"Long time no see y/n." Adrian uttered out with a playful smile while the girl beside him just smirk.

"I thought you already run away from this university being scared after that incident. But guess not....well glad to see you again." Bella said teasingly.

[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now