🎊*Finally A Happy Ending*🎊

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After One Year~

It's been more than a year since that incident happened. Now Y/n is fine from both physically and mentally. And living her beautiful life with Jaehyuk. On other hands Jaehyuk also never fails to show his love and affection towards y/n. He never fails to make her feel the happiest girl in the world. Meanwhile, Ever since y/n found out about her feelings for jaehyuk, she started giving more and more attention to jaehyuk and also showing her love and affection towards Jaehyuk.... You can say that they both are madly in love with each other and can't live without each other. And now she even two months pregnant with Jaehyuk's child. After knowing that y/n is pregnant jaehyuk couldn't hold his happiness, that day was his one of the best day of his life. He didn't let her do any work or house chores. He always fullfill her weird food cravings. He didn't care if it's day or night he always bring her whatever she asked for. He take care of her and his unborn child. And because of all these acts of Jaehyuk, Y/n can't help but to fall in love with Jaehyuk more.

Y/n: Aishhh!
–She groan out in disappointment but she didn't give up. Standing on her tiptoed, she tried again to reach the higher shelve to grab the packet of gummy bears.

Y/n: Ugh! Who the hell put the packet of my gummy bears there?
–She said in the middle of struggling to reach the packet. But she startled got when suddenly an arm wrap around her waist stopping her from struggling while the other hand grab the packet of gummy bears from the higher shelve.

Jaehyuk: I am the hell who put the gummy bears there.
–He said with his poker face and hand over the packet to her before crossing his arms above his chest. While Y/n nervously smiled at him and look around trying to find an excuse.

Y/n: Ohh....well I was searching for gummy bears to....umm...decorate the table you kn-

Jaehyuk: Why didn't you told me this then? Didn't I told you not to work or over stress yourself huh?
–He said with slightly upset face.

Y/n: Aigo~ Jaehyuk-iee~ You know Jihoon loves gummy bears. That's why I was just trying to reach the shelves to grab those. Is that even count as a work?
–She whined making Jaehyuk chuckle.

Jaehyuk: Yes, It is baby~. I'm damn sure...my kid already have started cursing form your tummy, that his handsome dad overwork his mommy.

Y/n: Yah Jaehyuk~
–She hit his shoulder slightly while he just shrugg and place the packet beside the foods on the table.

Y/n: Ugh...Your friends are coming over after a long time and I can't do a single thing to help you while you cooked all of this alone.
–She let out a sigh feeling some kind off disappointed on herself.

Jaehyuk: Yah silly....you can cook again when you will get back your hot slim waist~ But, until then just relax and take care of yourself. Also let me love you more hmm~
–He said before lifting her in bridal style and peaking her lips and walk towards balcony while she whined again.

Y/n: Aish

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Y/n: Aish.... Stop pampering me like this otherwise one day I'll turn into a lazy ass.

Jaehyuk: I'll still love that lazy ass.
–He said placing her on the sofa.

Y/n: Yeah yeah whatever.

Jaehyuk: Now relax in this fresh air ok~
–He was about to get up and leave since he have to decorate the dinning table.

Y/n: Don't forget to inform me when Jihoon and rest of the comes.
–She said quickly before he leaves but his expression changed when he heard Jihoon's name from her mouth again.

Jaehyuk: You know don't you?.... You clearly know that I'm jealous asf of Jihoon hyung.
–He said as anger slowly taking over him.

Jaehyuk: You always talk about hi-
–Before he can finish his sentence, she quickly cut him off by attaching her lips with him. In the next moment, he wrap his arms around her waist while she wrap her arms around his neck completely getting lost in the kiss. Devouring each other's lips for few minutes, they both finally break the kiss after few minutes while panting lightly.

Y/n: Don't be jealous of Jihoon. I know he once confessed to me but after I rejected him...he already moved on and also he apologized for the misunderstandings that was created between us because of him. Now we are just close friends like you both are still best friends. And also me, you and the whole world already knows that I am only yours and you are only mine~
–She said innocently while he can't help but to smile.

Jaehyuk: Yeah...you better not forget that.
–He said pulling her closer to him.

Y/n: Yeah I won't.... So you must stop getting jealous of Jihoon cause you kn-

Jaehyuk: I was just kidding baby. I know nobody can't take you away from me. I was just craving for a kiss and I knew if I act possessive you will give me-aak
–Jaehyuk was cut off when y/n hit his chest and move away from him.

Y/n: You brat! You always makes me stress. I hate you.
–She said with a upset pout and turn around. But her anger slowly fade away when she feel his warm back hug. She can't help but to smile.

Jaehyuk: I love you Y/n...I love you infinity and you know I will never let you go... never ever ever!

Y/n: Yeah yeah...never let me go. I will also never let you go. Never!
I love you more~

The End~


Hello chingu's 🤗, Thank you so so much for reading My Books
Till the end.
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I Love you<3

[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now