*Can't Get Enough Of Her 1/2*

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-At Airport-

A wide smile form on y/n's lips. Her gaze didn't left the figures which was little far away from her. There was alot of people in the airport who just came out of the plane. But it didn't took a single moment to recognise those familiar ones even though they are far away from her...
In the next moment, she started to run towards them with her slightly teary eyes as she can't wait anymore.

"MOM!!" She shouted as she hugged her tightly

"I missed you sweetie." Her mom said she immediately hugged her back and caress her hairs while a pair of tears drop from her eyes.

Feeling her mom's warmth after a long time, she can't help but smile in happy tears.

"I missed you more mom." Y/n broke the hug and smile at her. But, then her gaze fall on two other figures standing beside her with a beautiful smile on their faces.

"Look at my beautiful daughter. She has become more prettier then before." Her dad said. Y/n let out a small laugh and hug him too.

"Look at my irritating sister forget me since I haven't disturbed her for a long time." Taemin said
Y/n look at beside and see her younger brother pouting.

"I haven't idiot." She pinched his nose while he let out a groan being annoyed.

"I missed you all. I missed my family so much...." Y/n said as they all chuckle and do a group hug.


"So, how is you life going?" Her dad asked with a soft voice while she let out a small sigh keeping her eyes on the road while driving to home.

"It's going fine dad." Y/n said with a small smile while her dad smile back and nod.

"I know my brave daughter is doing well. But, leaving here all alone and bear your own expenses isn't that easy when as your father i should-

"It's okay dad. It's not your fault that you can't bear my expenses. I am happy as long as i have you and mom beside me." Hearing y/n's words her mom and dad make eye contact with eachother before smiling.

"BTW, you have been taking good care of this car and also learned driving." Her mom said while y/n smiled nervously as she remember how she get into a accident with her father at first time on her driving.

"Mom, you brought this car for me with your savings. So i don't have to wait until late night for buses. How can I not take good care of this....?!" Her mom let out a chuckle and hum.

"Well do you know the reason why we came to Seoul suddenly?" Her mom said

"Umm... don't u guys came to Seoul because u guys wanted to to visit me?" Y/n said

"That is the also reason But, we have other reasons too." She said as she looked at her husband with a smile who was sitting beside y/n in the front seat.

"Really?!.. What is it?!" Confusion was visible on her face.

"You know y/n...I have been jobless for few years after the incident where i almost become physically unstable. From that time, your mother has been earning for the family. " Her father said

Her throat started to feel heavy after hearing her father as she remember about her past memories where she an her family had to gone through so much difficulties. She kept silent but the next thing he said made her eyes widen.

"I got a job few months ago. And it's not a small job but one of the biggest company offered me to work with them." He said with a cheerful voice.

"SERIOUSLY!?!?!" She said out of excitement almost wakeup her sleeping brother in backseat. But, her dad quickly hold the steering wheel since she were about to lose control.

"Be careful y/n!"

"Sorry dad." She nervously smile

"But how everything happened? Tell me all!" She said. Her dad chuckle and nod.

"Few months ago, I got a call from the job agency where i already put my application for job a long time ago. They said one of the biggest Seoul's Company CEO accepted my application and offered me to work with them. And yeah... I accepted it. I still feel like a dream that i am earning for my family again. They invited me into a business party in Seoul. So we all came together here." Her dad explained while she smiled at him.

" You remember i always used to say that "Bad times don't last forever". I am also going to complete my graduation soon. I will also earn for my family." Y/n said proudly

"I know honey. We are proud of you that you made it even though this difficulties." He pat her head making her giggle in happiness.

"We will be more proud to present in our daughter's graduation day." Her mom said

"Yes mom! You both have to come my university that day." Y/n said

"BTW, The business meeting is not only about employees. There will be a part arranged that day since it will be their company's anniversary day and we have to bring our family too." Her dad said

"Oh great! Then I'll be going too."

"Yes honey." He smile

"I hope we can have some good time together." He said as he caress her hairs.

To be continued...


This chapter is long so i decided to divide it into two parts.
Second part will out very soon
Till then bye and have a great day/night.😘




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