*His New Side*

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Her heart was beating against her chest insanely as Jaehyuk enter the room carrying her in bridal style.
Her eyes was closed in fear since the words from him earlier during the marriage still lingering in her mind.

*Get ready for tonight baby.....because I won't be listening to any of your pleadings.*

A sudden gasp left from her mouth when her body fall on the bed. She lift her gaze only to find him hovering above her with a smirk.

Jaehyuk: You are all mine now baby.
–He said with his low husky voice sending chills all over her body.

She was about to open her trembling lips to say something but he quickly cut her off by crashing his lips against her's harshly.
Before she can push him away, he quickly pin both of her wrists on the bed with his one hand while his other hand grab her waist to deepen the kiss.

His lips aggressively devour her's while she try to squirm around to get free from his grip. But little she already know that it is no use to him.

Another gasp left from her mouth, when he suddenly lift her dress slipping his hand in her inner thighs. Feeling his cold hands, she can't help but shiver in fear.
After few moments, she finally gasp for air after he ditached both of her lips. A sting of saliva was still connected with both of her lips. But, she let out a small scream when she feel his lips on her neck.

Jaehyuk wasted no time to licking, biting and sucking her collar bone and exposed sholder leaving marks on her skin.

Y/n: J-Jaehyuk...p-please...
–She whisper out his name while a pair of tears escape her eyes.

Hearing her soft voice, he finally look at her while panting heavily. At this rate, he completely lost control on himself. His eyes was all dark full of deep lust.

She was the one whom he always wanted. Her soft lips, scared eyes and small body under him..... It was exactly the same what he always imagined in his wild fantasy.

Her weak pushes which is completely useless for him driving him more crazy. But his eyes widen slightly when he saw tears sparkled on her cheeks in the dim light. His eyes wonder through her face carefully before it land on her closed eyes which was fighting to hold back tears.

Her mind was all going blank while some soft sobs left from her mouth. But, she stopped when she suddenly feel the grip on her wrists slowly loosing up.
She slowly open her teary eyes and look at him with a confused look.

Jaehyuk: I am sorry....
–He said in his low voice staring at her with some kind of guilt on his eyes before cupping her face and wipping away the tears with his thumb.

Jaehyuk: I didn't mean to make you-.... I'm extremely sorry y/n.
–He said wipping away the tears which were still streaming down from her eyes before hugging her tightly while caressing her hairs softly until she sleep peacefully. When Jaehyuk could no more hear her sobs he broke the hug and look at her sleeping figure. His eyes become soft after seeing her swollen eyes, dry lips, dry tears stain on her cheeks and tired face. The guilt emotion took over him as he caress her cheeks softy.

Jaehyuk: I am so sorry Love. U are so precious to me.... I love you. I hope you'll forgive me love.....
–He said and lean to peak her forehead before drifting into sleep with her while hugging her softly

[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now