*I Want U*

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Next Day

"Aish.... I so sleepy." Y/n let out a big yawn as she keep walking through the corridors holding those assignments.

After that incident happened yesterday, y/n dropped all the assignments in the class and didn't bring it to the professor since she was scared to go back to that class room.

But she had no choice, that's why she came to university early today before other students come and gathered all the assignments. And now she is walking the professor room sleepy and scared at the same time.

"It took me an hour to gather these all. I hope teacher won't be angry on me for being careless." Y/n said as she let out a sigh.

As she was taking heavy steps with her sleepy eyes suddenly, she bumped into someone hardly as they both fall on the ground making all the assignments from her grip fall too.

"Aigo...! Not again". Y/n let out a small cry.

"Oh My God....Are you okay? I'm sorry i wasn't giving proper attention while walking." Jihoon said quickly kneels down and started to gather all the assignments.

Y/n lift her head and her eyes widen.

" It's okay....you don't need to do this." Y/n said as she kneel down too and started to gather with him.

"No....I bumped into you. So i should better help you." Jihoon said looking at her and give her a assuring smile.

"Thanks." Y/n smiled back a little and look down trying to hide her red cheeks.

"OMG, I can't believe! Jihoon sunbae-nim is taking to me!!!" Y/n screamed in her mind

While gathering all the papers, she take a quick glance at him and look down again. Y/n always admired him in the most among all the boys in the university.

Even though she knows that he is one of the most popular arrogant boys of her university But, he is the most kindest among all of them. That's what made her admire him.

"Ok finish." Jihoon said looking around to check if there any paper left and stand up.

"Sorry for trouble....Ms... wait what's your name?" Jihoon looked at her with a questionable expression while y/n just smile at him.

"Kim Y/n..." Y/n replied

"Oh y/n~. Nice to meet you. Hello i am Park Jihoon." Jihoon said cheerfully and give her his signature smile. His eye smile.

She also organised all papers and was about to stand up but her heart beats skips when jihoon suddenly give her his hands to hold it for support.

She looked at him only find a charming smile plastered on his lips.

"Umm.... Thanks again..." Y/n said with a nervous smile and was about to hold his hand but her eyes widen when suddenly someone push him form the behind making him land against the wall.

[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now