*Can't Get Enough Of Her 2/2*

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。⁠:゚After Few Days゚⁠:⁠。

Y/n's eyes roam around the place while she keep walking through the path.

Y/n: Wow dad your company have decorated this so well.
She said admiring the place.

 She said admiring the place

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Dad: I know y/n. Even I am surprised. This is my first time attending their meeting.

Mom: But, this place doesn't look like for office meeting. Does it?

Y/n: Ofcourse not mom. It looks like we came to a reception party lol.
–Her parents nod their head at her statement and chuckle.

Her breathe hitched a little when she entered the place. Everyone here was well dressed and there was a serious atmosphere which made her nervous.

 Everyone here was well dressed and there was a serious atmosphere which made her nervous

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Y/n: Now this place looks like a meeting place.
–She mumble under her breathe.

Dad: Well l am going to greet my boss first. Let's go.
–He was about to go but y/n suddenly stopped him by holding his wrist.

Y/n: Dad..... I have to go to the restroom for a while. You and mom go. I will join few minutes later.
–Hearing her, her parents make eye contact with eachother in a confused way and nod. Seeing them leaving, she let out a sigh and walked towards an unknown direction.

She let out a deep sigh and lean against the wall.

Y/n: Gosh.... I seriously hate crowd.
–She said under her breathe as she remember how many of them were staring at her. Even though she is friendly type person, she always hated staying in the middle of the attention and today she just can't hold her nervousness anymore. So, had to leave like that. Taking a deep breathe, she try to calm down herself and standup properly.

[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now