*Author's Note<3*

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Hello chingu's 🤗. Thank you so so so much for reading My Book
As you all know that Jaehyuk is like a fallen angel, who is just fallen from heaven. But, I purposely made his character alternative in this book. Because I wanted to try something new.
After reading this book you will realise that this book kinda gives you the Vibes of a campus crush then obsessive love and then it'll get a bit emotional But, in the last they finally got their happy ending.

I'm really grateful that you guys willing to read my book even though it's not that good :(
I'll try to improve my writing skills more in the future so that you guys will enjoy reading my other upcoming books in future :)

Thank you so much. I really appreciate for all the love and support that u guys give to my book.
Please continue to support me in the future too. I'll try to give you guys regular updates.

Okay with that I will end this book here with this simple note from me. Thank you again for checking out and reading my book until the end.

I love you guys and have a great day/night everyone☺️

Stan Talent, Stan TREASURE<>!!!

Officially signing off

"Your sincerely"
Author nim♡


[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now