*A Jerk*

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Next day


"Hope today I'm not late for class." Y/n said entering the campus.

Gripping her bag strips she made her way towards her class room but something caught her attention a crowd. A crowd circling around someone. Y/n rolled her eyes thinking he is that famous heartthrob of campus from yesterday and everyone fan-girling over him again. She ignored it and about to go away but stop when she heard someone crying and begging for help. Her heart not accept to ignore it so she walked towards the crowd and see some boys bullying and humiliating a girl while the poor girl asking them to stop. But instead stopping they pour cold water on her and start laughing at her. The poor girl can't do anything so she just lowed her head and start sobbing harder.

"What's happening there??" Y/n asked one of student the student

" She is Kang Soyeon bright student of campus and Jaehyuk and some of his friends forcing her to do their assignments. But she rejected them so they start bullying her. As jaehyuk is famous and also a bad boy so everyone scared to help her. Poor Soyeon." The boy said helpless

Y/n blood boiled after hearing it. She clenched her jaw and make her hand into first before mumbling

"So, he is Yoon Jaehyuk. No wonder why he act like a Jerk yesterday." Y/n said while gritted her teeth and make her way towards them. Pushing the crowd she finally came in the middle of crowd.

"YAH!!!." Y/n shouted and without wasting her time she rushing towards them and pushed one the boy who was pushing Soyeon harshly. While others see her widen eyes

"WHAT THE HELL!!. WHAT DO YOU THINK U ARE DOING??!!" Jeongwoo shouted at her

Y/n shouted back and stand infront of Soyeon who was sobbing and shaking.

"DOES IT LOOKS LIKE A SCHOOL?? STOP BULLYING HER!!!." Y/n yelled at him making him frown his one eyebrow.

Jeongwoo was about to open his mouth to say something but he stopped when someone put his hand on his shoulder. Y/n eye's slowly went beside jeongwoo and her blood boiled in anger after seeing the other guy.

"Do we look like a kid that we will bully? We are just asking her to do us a favor but she didn't agreed with us. That's why we were just kind a forcing her." Jaehyuk said calmly while y/n slowly turn your head toward Soyeon

"T-They wanted me t-to d-do their assignments. I-i always do b-but this time i h-had some problem. So th-that's why...." Soyeon said shuttering while shaking hard while Y/n eyes widened after hearing this.

"Y/n was about to say something but suddenly jeongwoo pushed y/n aside and scoot closer to Soyeon.

"So you mean that you can't do the assignments huh?!". Jeongwoo said before pushing Soyeon harshly again and this time she fall on ground hard. Soyeon screamed in pain.

"YAH!!!! STOP I SAID!!!!" Y/n shouted and about to go towards Soyeon but suddenly Jaehyuk caught her wrist tightly stopping her.

"Looks like she won't agree in nice way......woobin, hanseok snatch her bag and destroy everything she have." Jaehyuk said looking at two guys before his gaze fall on y/n.

"And you don't ack like a hero because you are nothing but a weak girl like her." Jaehyuk said with a smirk. Y/n clenched her fist and start to twisting her wrist.

"You don't know me. Let go my hand." She said glaring at him but he just chuckled.

"NO!! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS !!!". Soyeon shout.

Y/n turn her head toward Soyeon hearing her shouts and her gaze fall on the two guys who was throwing her things everywhere while jeongwoo didn't let her get up from ground.

"STOP THIS ALL AND LET ME GO!!!!." Y/n yelled at Jaehyuk who was giving direction to his other friends.

"I won't babygirl." Jaehyuk said with a assume face as you constantly trying to free from his grip.

"I SAID LET ME GO!!!!!" This time she raised her voice more but instead of feeling threatened Jaehyuk just ignore her and keep smirking.

"Ok! That's enough!!" Y/n said &......


Jaehyuk grip slowly loosen on her wrist as his head tilted in left. She can see how his soft cheeks turning into red slowly.

Everyone stopped their movements while they stared both of them with their one of the biggest shocking expressions encluding Soyeon.

"Well...that's to much!!...Do you guys think bulling & humiliating weak and sensitive people is fun huh??!!...You guys think it's cool??!!!.... You should stand in their shoes to feel their pain first before doing this shits.."Y/n said in most coldest tone.

He didn't say anything. She can see his jaw and fist clenching but she just rolled her eyes and turn around walking towards Soyeon pushing jeongwoo

She help her to stand up and gather her things before leaving the room without saying anything.

Jaehyuk just started at her figure who walked out of the room with Soyeon and crack his neck. His gaze didn't left the door from where y/n left. Some unknown thoughts crossed his mind as her face float in his mind continuously.

To be continued...









[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now