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After few weeks

A numb thunder sound ecoed through the whole room with a hint of rain

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A numb thunder sound ecoed through the whole room with a hint of rain.
After pulling all the curtains to hide the gloomy weather, Jaehyuk walk towards his bed and sit beside y/n, who was sleeping peacefully. His hand slowly make it way towards her hairs and caress it softly while his gaze stared at her sleeping tired face. He somehow gulp down the lump of flesh in his throat while his heart slowly getting heavy.

He was in pain.....a great pain...

Jaehyuk: I am sorry y/n... I am so sorry... I hope you will forgive me for doing this... Because whatever I am doing is for your best baby......
–His voice shaked a little while his lips started to tremble. He was trying his best to not get weak...he was trying his best to not cry....but why does it has to hurt this much?.....

He froze for a while as his fingers stop caressing her hairs after hearing the door bell. Finally a pair of tears slide down through the corner of his eyes which was he holding the whole time. He close his eyes trying his best to calm down himself before looking at her again.

Jaehyuk: I really hate myself for doing this now...but I have no other option.
–He slowly lean closer and attach his soft lips with her's warm one kissing gently.

Jaehyuk: I love you so much y/n.... I love you alot. And I will be loving you forever my first love.
–Wiping away his tears, he stand up and walk towards the door. Without wasting anytime, he left the room leaving her alone.

Time skip:- On evening (6:45)

Y/n open her eyes at the sound of thunder storm. But a small groan left from her mouth feeling the headache again.

Y/n: Aish....this stupid fever and headache.
–She blurted out in pain but her breathing become normal when the pain slowly started to vanish.

Lifting her weak figure, she sit on the bed and then her gaze land on the empty chair beside her. A sweet smile form on her lips when she remember the moment when Jaehyuk was caressing her hairs softly to help her sleep a few hours ago.

After the day when Jihoon confessed, Jaehyuk was turned into an another person. He was no more flirty badboy she knew but a cold and intermediating person who won't budge to look at her for once. For a while, y/n felt like she has disappeared from his world. She felt like no more importance to him since he stopped looking at her the way he used to.... But he proved her wrong when she suddenly get sick.

[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now