*What This Little Feelings Called?*

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"I hope you all has bring the assignments i have asked you to all bring today. Well drop everyone's assignments on this table and i will be waiting for class ahead to bring this to me half an hour in my room." The teacher said.

"So students, our lecture finish here today." The teacher said as he organise his books together after that, he walked out of the class room while y/n stare at him until he was out of her sight.

She look around and a smile form on her lips as she saw everyone placing their assignments on the table before leaving.

"I guess i should wait for sometimes until everyone done." Y/n said as she pulled out her phone and started to scroll through some random things.

Today y/n is the class head since Soyeon didn't come to university. After that incident, y/n and Soyeon become close and that's why y/n is willing to help her.

After few minutes, she heard no voices anymore. So she put her phone inside and look around only find a empty room and assignments on the table.

She get her things and stand up making her way towards the table humming her favourite song. Lifting the assignments, she walked towards the exit ready to leave.

But, her eyes widen when she twisted the door knob but it didn't open.

"OMG!! The door is locked!..." Y/n said as she started to freak out and twist the knob several times but it didn't open making her scared.

She was ready to kick and punch the door but she stopped when a voice interrupted her from behind. She turn around instantly.

"Looks like you need some help.... babygirl~." Jaehyuk said with a playful smile while leaning against one of the desk with his arms crossed.

"Y-you...wh-what are you d-doing here?!..." Y/n said shuttering with her widen eyes as she gulp hard.

"What am I doing here...hmmmm... You already know the answer.... don't you?" Jaehyuk said as he frown his eyebrows and stared at her.

"I-i d-don't know a-anything..." Y/n said shuttering as she step backward while jaehyuk let out a devilish chuckle watching her nervous figure.

"It's been few weeks. So i kinda knew it that you will forget the things happened between us even though you always try to runaway from me." Jaehyuk said and started to step closer making her flustered.

"That's why i thought to remind you everything today." Jaehyuk said smirking and keep coming closer to her while she step back immediately.

Her hands was slightly shaking as she stared at him with a scared expression.

"L-l-look, i am s-sorry....I didn't k-knew that y-you ar-*gasp*".

She gasped and all the assignments fell from her hands as her back hit the wall while jaehyuk keep coming closer to her until both of their body made connection with each other.

[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now